5. The Warth Of Heracles Serpens-Potter!

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Harry had been eating his breakfast with Hermione on the Ravenclaw table when a regal eagle owl landed in front of them, his legs stuck out towards Harry, who relieved the bird from the letter. The Owl took off, it's work done.

Harry checked the letter only to see the seal of the English National Quidditch team. He immediately put the letter in his robe's pocket and dragged Hermione to the kitchens, ignoring her protests.

He then showed her the letter, shutting her up. Hermione had been as shocked as Harry when they found the invitation to 'The London Quidditch Campus' for tryouts but then squealed in delight congratulating him. They had both agreed that it was too big of an opportunity to be missed. They had both eaten breakfast in the kitchens and then snogged a bit before Harry left for the LQC, after informing both Snape and Dumbledore. Of course, they were told that his leave had to do with the Ministry. They accepted it after they had been shown the invitation card with the Ministry stamp on it.

So here he was, in London Quidditch Campus. There were 10 different Quidditch pitches on the campus, which would have been thought impossible after seeing the campus from outside.

'Extension charms, probably', Harry thought as he showed the invitation to the wizard guarding the entrance. Soon he was led to an office, where he saw two somewhat familiar faces, though he can't remember clearly where he had seen them and one unfamiliar face. The first one had a grin on his face and looked really jolly. The second one had a completely neutral expression on his face, while the third and unfamiliar one was sitting on a chair and looking at Harry with judging eyes.

"This is the one who would save the English Quidditch team from shame. A pretty face. Are you sure you aren't out of your mind, McKvoy?" The third one asked while mocking Harry at the same time, which made Harry's eyes narrow at him making him shiver unconsciously.

"Oh, believe me, Coach Ravendish. Mr Potter here is an amazing flyer and also a very good Chaser. Why, the last day he scored 58 goals singlehandedly against the Gryffindor team, and that also against Oliver Wood. You know, the bloke that is being scouted for the reserve team by Puddlemere." McKvoy tried to soothe the surly coach. However, the thing about Puddlemere scouting Oliver Wood did interest Harry a bit.

Harry also remembered where he had seen those two. They had been in the spectator's stand when he was playing Quidditch.

"What do you say Derevill?" The coach asked the only person other than Harry who had been quiet.

"I say let us see him fly coach. Only then we would come to a final decision. But I wouldn't deny that Mr Potter is an exceptional Chaser and I don't think I have ever seen a better flyer than him. And I had seen Viktor Krum tearing onto our defence in the match against Bulgaria." Philbert Derevill, the manager of the English National Quidditch team answered.

"Very well! Follow us then, Mr Potter" Ravendish said as he left the room with three occupants.

(After a few moments)

McKvoy whistled as Harry did a sloth roll, dodging the bludger and using the momentum to nail the goal into the left post completely baffling the keeper, who hadn't expected it at all.

"What do you say now, Coach?" McKvoy said with a huge grin on his face.

"Damn!" Ravendish was impressed seeing Harry toy with International-level players.

"He certainly was holding back in the school game," Derevill spoke in awe as Harry again scored a goal while feinting the keeper.

"Bugger! Did he just?" Ravendish exclaimed as Harry feinted one of the chasers, Flitney, ploughing him into the ground before hitting one more goal, completely frustrating the Keeper.

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