The Hatrdest Part About a Question is Knowing The Answer

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Holy. It's been a hot minute. Thank you to whoever has been keeping up with this book, greatly appreciate the patience!!

Happy holidays to those who celebrate 🎉
If not. Well, y'all are still ✨#awesome✨

(Not a holiday special, enjoy the way overdue chapter lol)

Edit - accidentally wrote an OC name in here. Too tired for this lol

Warnings: Fluff, language. That's about it.

Hours of hyperspace, for what? Sure it got people where they needed to go faster but, like every other time the only thing they found at the last known location was rubble, ash, and bodies. Not even one droid.

So why would they keep looking for something that is constantly not in the place they "last see it". It's proven to be a weapon of mass destruction, that much is clear. So why would they keep picking off solo cruisers. Not that they want to have it strike Kamino, but strategically it would make the most sense. If Kamino is knocked out the only clones left are the ones in the field. Unless it was designed specifically to take out the main defences so that- "Wolffe?"

Having heard his name called he focused his attention back onto the planet charts he was once looking at, making at least some effort to make it look like he was doing something. Once he turned head and saw that it was General Plo he went to salute, but Plo did the head tilt that he does when he'd be raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry General-" "No need to apologize Wolffe, I thought you'd like to know we've reached the next sited system." "Right, thank you General".

Plo nodded and slowly made his way back to the front viewport. After finishing the scan of the planet Wolffe notice a huge ship on the other side of the planet, it wasn't the regular Separatist cruiser, no that was different, so was this the weapon they've been looking for? Only one way to find out.

As the ship creeped around the planet everyone anxiously waited to find out what was on the other side. As proven time and time again, looks can be deceiving. Had they just looked at the cruiser, they would only really notice the size difference of the cruiser. But now looking at the energy pulse that was coming their way. They knew that this wouldn't even be close to the regular everyday encounter, this, was a whole lot worse.

Something was wrong. And she didn't like it. (Y/N) didn't have to be a genius to know something was up, she has always been good at reading peoples faces. And she wasn't liking what she saw. Apparently the mission update just came through. But that's supposed to be a good thing, right?

She had to know more, she couldn't stand not knowing. She poked her head into the briefing room, almost instantly regretting it. "I'm afraid, due to lack of better knowledge, we have reason to believe that the Courageous and it's convoy have been found and..eliminated by the enemy"

No, nonononono. This can't be happening, this is just a dream, she was finally starting to cope with her family's death, she can't lose the Pack, not now. She just found them. Her shock kicked her adrenaline into motion, she didn't know where she was going, but it had to be anywhere from where she was now.

She did what she thought was right, she ran, just like before, except there was no Wolfpack to run to this time. No Plo. No tree...she looked outside the bace, one more run, she had to get out of the building, out of the confined space.

So she did, the doors slid open and she ran to the first tall tree she could find and started to climb. By the time she reached the top was when her adrenaline faded and reality hit. She just let the tears fall, not caring to shield her emotions any longer. It's not like she'd believe anyone who'd tell her not to be afraid, none of them were the people she needed. Or wanted for that matter.

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