I nodded in agreement that I'll do it.

"Jennie cancelled your schedule for tomorrow, just so that you could do this. You must go to the restaurant around the corner of the street, that'll be your first destination. We also do need to get you new clothes because the outfits you own are not going to be the best for the surprise." I looked at Jisoo as she explained all of this to me, I felt really confused and I found this suspicious.

I have to wear a specific outfit? A fancy one?

Now I'm really curious, because what is so huge that Jennie has to put so much requirements..

"But go change. So that we can go out and get you some new clothes!" Rosé smiled. I took a deep breath and went upstairs to my room. I decided to take a warm shower since I was cold, Paris always gets super cold around this time.

Since I've gone here so much, I know all about the climate. I was actually planning to move here for a year or two with Jennie, since that was our initial plan, but she's barely here so I don't know.

I got out of the shower and got into some cute but comfortable clothes.

Let's get this search for clothes started.


As soon as I got home, I threw myself on the couch, tired. Rosé had lots of fun picking out clothes for me and so did Jisoo, but I sat there completely bored and tired. After a long day of work, all I need is rest, today I wasn't able to do that. I opened my phone, just to see 0 messages from Jennie. I frowned, it's a little weird to not receive any messages from her especially when tomorrow is Christmas. I sighed and shrugged it off.

"Lisa! Come eat." Rosé yelled, calling me for dinner. I groaned, I just wanna rest. I walk over to the dinner table, completely tired but hungry. When the smell of food is here, I'm here. There's nothing better than a nicely cooked meal after a long day of shopping and working.

"Hey Lisa, take it easy on the scavenger hunt tomorrow, okay? Don't get frustrated if you can't understand the clues. Jennie will wait for you." I looked up at Jisoo, eyes widened. What does Jisoo mean Jennie will wait for me?

Rosé throws her a look from across the table and Jisoo clears her throat and awkwardly laughs. "I mean like, she'll understand you took a bit longer than she expected.. Sorry. I'll just shut up."

Honestly, I won't lie that Jisoo and Rosé are acting super weird. So is Jennie, and I feel like they aren't telling me something. I'm assuming it has to do with the big surprise Jennie has prepared for me, so I just shrugged it off.


Hours later, I had taken my shower and was laying in bed, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Jisoo had said at the dinner table.

I don't like it, in-fact, I hate it when people hide things from me. I get this might be a huge surprise or maybe it's special for Jennie, maybe she worked hard for it, but I don't like that she's acting more different. I just really wanna know what she's up to.

What did she plan for me? What is it? I just wonder. I kinda wanna know.

Instead, I drifted off into deep sleep.


I was awoken by my alarm that I had already snoozed like 3 times until I finally decided to wake up, remembering the surprise Jennie prepared for me that I've been waiting for.

I got up from my bed, completely excited and looking forward to the surprise.

I put on the clothes that I had bought yesterday with Rosé and Jisoo and smiled to myself in the mirror.

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