My head was spinning and I was struggling to walk straight Amrai maybe noticed this because when I got in he offered to buy us food.

"You wanna go get breakfast cah I can't send you home with an empty stomach ?" He asked

Could've filled it with something else.

"Yes please" I replied

My house was probably empty by now all because I've my stupid brother. He comes home from football training and eats like an absolute pig. I'm only putting up with it cause he'll get us out the hood.

I put my AirPods in and started listening to music. I needed to pretend that my life wasn't real and that I was somewhere in a forest eating mushroom or something. Music was an escape for me.

I could hear Amaris voice underneath my music talking on the phone , so I put my volume down to listen.

"I hope that stupid fuck dies on that hospital bed"

Luckily I was facing the window so he didn't see my shocked expression. He's such an odd human it's honestly scary. I didn't even wanna hear the rest of it so I started putting my volume to the highest level.

"Do you wanna go deaf I can hear your music"

" huh what did you say"

"I said do you wanna go deaf"

"Oh sorry" I said while taking my AirPods out and putting it back in the case.

We sat in silence for a bit, weirdly it wasn't awkward felt nice until he started speaking.

"Do you want pancakes or an omelette?" He asked

"Pancakes i don't like eggs" I replied

"Ok sweet" he said while pulling up to the Tesco car park

Is this guy a cheapskate to be buying ready made pancakes from Tesco instead of a cafe? Not McDonalds cause we boycotting that shit.

Feeling confused I closed the car door behind me and followed him into the shop. We began waking down different isles low-key I was getting flashbacks from last night.
I must've been day dreaming for a while because he was already paying for the items.

We started waking outside the shop when he handed me a can of ice coffee. I mentioned I was a coffee addict once. Surprised he remembered.

"Thanks I really needed this" I replied

"Yeah I could tell you crackhead"

I couldn't help but laugh because this was my version of crack. I'm convinced that's the reason why I can't grow past 5'4 - while my whole family is 5'10+ yes including my mum

Before I knew it we were in the car blasting music, we listened to his playlist for a bit that was mainly filled with people getting stabbed. . I didn't know whether he was taking me home or not but to be honest I didn't care as long as I was with him even though he was scaring me . I got my answer once he parked his car outside his house . This guy has practically kidnapped me . Not complaining though . Just as we were about the leave the car I split coffee all over myself . Great.

"Go and take a shower there's some spare clothes that Aniya doesn't wear that you can wear"

I rummaged through the clothes and picked out a black maxi dress with a cropped jacket. Simple but pretty .

"Where's the bathroom" I asked

"Opposite my room" he replied

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