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I hate these family functions man I don't know why I let my mum drag me to these types of thing. She says I need to socialise more with normal people whatever the Fuck that means.
I haven't stopped thinking about Aniya I know we just messaged but for some reason she felt different. All the other girls I talked to had no morals or self respect, no dreams or ambitions just wanted my dick.

"Hiii Alisha"- said Aniya

She's so fucking gorgeous .

A part of me forgot about how she ghosted man cah her looks made up for that.

"Your so big now I can't believe it" - Aniya said to Alisha

I can't stop staring at her. Her face, her body . Everything about her . Wow.
I don't usually go for brown-skin girls cause they talk too much shit but she was an exception.

Then out of nowhere I saw her head move towards my directions and we made eye contact for a split second. Like some romcom shit.


Then she started walking towards me

Why are girls these days so straightforward, she's the total opposite to me.
Don't get me wrong I know I'm an attractive guy but I just get awkward easily cause I didn't talk much growing up . Lucky people just think I'm nonchalant. But if you get to know man I'm totally opposite

"Hii amari" - she said

"Hi" - I said with a straight face

"How come you ghosted man"- I said half joking half serious

"Brooo it's nothing deep I've just been busy with revision"

Bro? Who the fuck is she calling bro?

"Cool"- I said hoping she didn't think I was trying to end the convo

"So I heard your moving to my sixth form?"


"if your struggling with the work I can help you, oh and make sure u complete the homework in time cause Mrs Ria gets pissed."


This got awkward quick not gonna lie was hoping she would carry on the convo somehow.
I guess it's up to me.

"Soo how's school"

I feel like some distant parent attempting to get closer with their child again. I feel like beg.

"It's good just some boys in that school harass me"

Let's see if they keep the same energy when I'm there.

"Say swear "

"It's fine I'm used it it at this point"

We sat there in silence for what felt like 10 minutes just staring at each other until my phone rang.


"Wtf ? Right now ?"

I turned to look at Aniya who looked concerned

"Alright I'm on my way"

Turns out one of my boys got stabbed by some younger from our secondary school. Now I've gotta sort this shit out . fuck.

"What happened"- Aniya asked concerned

"Nothing don't worry about it"

Mums gonna be pissed.

I opened the front door and got in my car. I was driving over the speed limit but I don't give a shit. This is my boy we're talking about. I've always thought about leaving this life and focusing on football and school but i keep getting dragged back. Nothing will make me stop.

I looked down at my phone and saw a message from Aniya

|everything ok?
I can't drive while texting i might be a drug dealer but I care about my life.

|Im driving I'll text you in a bit
I put my phone down and started thinking about different ways to resolve this shit.

*incoming call from aniya*

Why does this girl care so much moving like she's my girl.

I ignored the phone call because I don't have no time be hearing some bullshit
Sorry guys had to end it early because I genuinely didn't know what to add plus I still aren't sure how I want to present Amaris character so I might update it idk
we now got 16 viewers wow!
And #4 on leng 💀💀💀Probably just ghosts 😭
I really want people to interact so I can create a little community:)

But anyways
Stay safe babes
And work hard towards your goals!!!

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