18 •A Sweet Desert

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What exactly was this place?

She felt numb staring at the illustration, as if she'd been in a similar situation before.
And then she realized she had been in a similar situation.

She looked up, locking eyes with the double doors.

Curiosity never killed the cat, dumb niggas just made it up...

She padded towards the doors, her blue light filling the room with it's bright aura, letting it's cerulean waves wash over the walls.

The way the clouds shifted and moved made it seem like looking through water once more, and she pressed her hands against the double doors and pushed.

It obviously didn't open.

She pursed her lips to the side and stared, again swallowing her entire bottom lip as she shook her head rather jerkily.

"Open sesame."


Okay, now I'm getting a little scared.

She was in a completely unknown room, with odd drawings and hidden rooms.
How was this large place even inside of such a small dwelling?

Is it because the only room she'd been in was her own?

She looked at the deep, intricate carvings in the clouds, as they all curved upwards and into the very center of the door, slowly curling into a medium sized circle.


And she saw a yellow hue glow from the tiny gap under the door, and a sharp, sudden wave of panic swept over her.

Her body jolted as she glanced around, quickly surveying her surroundings.

She couldn't hide, even if she found a spot because of her sickeningly bright aura.

She squinted as she noticed that it seemed brighter than before, and she looked back at the clouds where she had burst through.

Okay... Okay, maybe now's the time to act stupid.

She held out her arm, her palm facing downwards this time as she desperately willed the clouds to part.

"Dammit all."

She squeezed her eyes shut as the yellow glow behind her gleamed brighter, and a small beam of light shot out from her middle finger.

It was pointed downwards, and she quickly fixed her finger, creating a messy yet small opening in the clouds.

She didn't waste any time and bolted, sliding rather messily through the gap before it quickly fixed itself, and she gasped, clutching her chest.

Why the hell did I run?

For all she knew, it could have been Zayle behind those doors.

But something told her that she didn't want to be found inside of that room, and she did whatever she could to get out.

She quickly moved away from the spot and whirled around.

She was sure she was seen, and with that, she moved away, wiping her sweaty hands on her thighs as she kept her head low.

Now she was being foolish.

She hadn't a clue where she was going, randomly turning and ducking as she tried to steady her heartbeat.

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