Chapter Three: hope.

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Chapter Three: hope.

"Oh My God. Like O-M-G. Are you serious?!" I could tell in her voice she was excited for me and that meant one thing but before I could move, the phone away from my ear she had already began screaming. "Ahhhh! Oh we so have to celebrate. Lets go shopping!"

I felt myself release my breath that I wasn't aware that I was holding, obviously glad that Ruby wasn't angry at me from hiding this from her. I explained "Hun I don't even know if I have the job's for a series of campaign ads so i'll be like the cover girl for this well-known brand. Most of the details of who the job was for won't be disclosed to me unless I get the job... I probably won't ge-"

Ruby interrupted knowing what I was going to say "Stop right there! Don't you dare put yourself down again! You're stunning and the only thing you’re lacking is confidence. Babe, you don't even realise how beautiful you are..."

I could tell she was waiting for my response, she wanted me to agree. "Ruby you always know how to make me feel better. Ok shopping it is and i'll explain everything then meet me at our usual spot in 20 minutes?"

"I'm already heading out the door! Eeeekkkk love you!!" She had hung up already.

I jumped into a black taxi that took me to a little coffee shop in the heart of London. I took a booth in the back corner and ordered our usual, two lattés. I never used to like them because I thought they were for the pretentious, but they were light, refreshing, and undeniably delicious.

Once Ruby arrived we spent the next hour imagining what it may be like if I got the job and entertaining the idea that the company's name was undisclosed because it was a massive designer name. The thought made me feel nervous but it was interrupted by Ruby giggling at my expression of pure panic.

"Right that's enough lets never talk about this again. Lets go shopping!" I said dragging Ruby from the booth towards the door.


Ow. Ow. Ow. I hobbled into my room and threw my heels in the corner. Never again, shopping with Ruby took it out of me, I was shattered, and of course I'm at least £200 poorer than when I left this morning. I collapsed on to my bed and closed my eyes, just for a minute...


Sooo... what are your thoughts on Ruby?

Please Vote and Comment!! :D

Love Heidi xx

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