Chapter Two: preparations...

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Chapter Two: preparations...

I was beginning to stir from my deep sleep thankfully by the harsh sirens that echoed throughout my room. Believe it or not but when it came to mornings I was never 'with it', I specifically selected the loudest and most intrusive ringtone for my alarm as it was my only hope for waking me up. Eventually I forced my eyes open so I could locate my phone and end the irritating noise. Ughh its monday already, let the morning ritual begin! I forced the covers off of my toasted body letting the cold air take effect. My body became rigid forcing a slight shiver to run throughout my lean physic, it was times like this when I wished for just a little bit of 'extra padding'. I made a dash to the bathroom before the morning rush began. before leaving, i quickly proceeded by putting some makeup on, making my pale complexion look half decent adding a bit of colour to my cheeks and enough mascara to bring attention to my bright blue eyes.

"Frankie are you awake yet?!" Mum shouted from her room in a panic. I chuckled to myself knowing that once again my back-up alarm had failed me as she was still fast asleep until now. "Yes mum, You can go back to sleep!"

Checking the time it was already 7:30am I had 20 minutes until I had definitely missed my bus. I pulled on a simple black skirt, a red vest top and casual-smart blue and white striped blazer. At this point, I did not even bother trying to tame my chocolate coloured hair by brushing it as I tied it up into a messy bun using hairspray to hide the fact. Adding my favourite long vintage silver locket necklace and matching hoop earrings for a more sophisticated look. After finally grabbing a much-needed coffee and saying bye to mum, I was off down to the bus stop by 7:40.


Considering how I felt I was surprised that I managed to stay awake on the bus for the entire 40 minute journey. However, today was my interview for a part time job, for the part time job, so I needed to be focused. Especially seen as I hadn't told anyone that I was going for it; After all, it is modelling and I don't think that I'm "what they are looking for". I've wanted to do modelling ever since I can remember - even as a child I remember that I loved having pictures taken of me, but I never admitted it to anyone apart from my best friend Ruby. When we were young, we were convinced we would be the next big thing - we became a duo and sang along whilst performing some sort of chorography, whilst her older sister recorded the shoot for our music video. We even came up with a secret handshake believing that made us cool. I feel so guilty about keeping this from her, but I suspect it will pay off and save me future embarrassment.

I make my way down Oxford Street towards the building. My pace began to speed up, I felt people's eyes burning through me...I was being watched, I sensed it. It's as if they knew where I was going, what I was doing. They were judging me, confirming my beliefs that I didn't have what it takes. At that moment I caught a glimpse of myself in a shop window, I stood there just for a second and judged my reflection along with everyone else. I knew they were right, I wasn't "pretty" enough. I was just average looking...well maybe...just. that's right, go on stand in everybody's way looking like a fool! Just snap out of it. I told myself that Ruby would say 'keep your chin up' . Usually at this point I would suspect that she’s saying that because I’m clumsy and not paying much attention causing me to walk into people, but I’m putting a positive spin on it, so I quickly readjusted my blazer, nodded reassuringly and smiled at my reflection and continued in the right direction.


I arrived at the front desk with plenty of time to spare. The receptionist's nametag said 'Janice', she's obviously was beautiful, young, tall and in this case blond. She looked at me from head-to-toe then pointed me in the direction of the meeting room where I was to be interviewed, have my snap-shots taken and for them to review my portfolio. Ughhh I could tell that she was the kind of woman who, like me, desperately wanted to be a model but she had to settle for a desk job. Well that's a good thing I suppose, well she must have had brains to be trusted with such an important job. I couldn't help but snicker to myself.

I waited patiently clutching onto my hopeless attempt at a portfolio. It consisted of several photos I took myself expressing several emotions and in a variety of poses. I confess that they were mostly taken in black-and-white as it is much more flattering and I took inspiration of old-style modelling, especially like shots of Audrey Hepburn.

A dark chocolate Amazonian woman soon interrupted my thoughts, she was towering over me in her 4-inch stilettos, but I admired her confidence. I instantly felt at ease as she smiled sweetly with such immaculate straight white teeth "hello I'm Julie and i'll be conducting this interview, thank you for coming". She shook my hand firmly before continuing to explain that she was in fact the owner of the company. I was surprised, usually the most powerful person of a business delegates their workload to others beneath them, and she seemed so unassuming. With the next few hours, I had - I had survived the whole process. A part of me felt confident afterwards, because before I had even left the building Ruby's number was already dialled - I couldn't contain myself for another moment, I had to tell her!


 Ok, so now you have a good idea of what Frankie is like, any thoughts as to what or who her 'inner demons' are??

Do you think she should Get the job? how high-profile is it? who knows...

How will Ruby react? :S

I hope you like, please vote and comment!! :D

Love Heidi x

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