“He was amazing.” I could see a smile forming on their small faces. He died, when my mom was 7 months pregnant, unfortunately. “Every Friday, he’d bring lunch to my school for my whole lunch table. Either McDonalds, Burger King, and my lunch table was big. The school came to know him, and he hardly ever needed a visitor’s pass. Everyone in the neighborhood, knew him. It was a great place to grow up in.” I looked at Bobby, and he looked away. “You look just like him.” They both got up and walked around the booth to my side. I wrapped them up in my arms and Hunter slid over me.

“We want to stay with you.” Bobby said.

“But what about mommy, she needs you. You’re all she has now that I’m gone.” My phone went off in my back pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. I nearly choked on my shake when I saw who was calling. I answered it quickly, hoping they didn’t see. “What do you want Zayn?” I answered.

“Uh…Reagan?” I heard the familiar voice of Zayn, someone I hadn’t spoken to for two whole months.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Oh, I think I called the wrong number.”

“Really?” I asked. “Because I’m sure it says Reagan on your contact list.” I said grumpily.

“Well you’re right above who I was supposed to call.” he snapped.

“Why am I in your contact list anymore, anyways?” I asked, edge in my voice.

“Why am I in your’s? You could only know who’s calling if I am.” I didn’t say anything, he’s right. I just forgot to delete it.

“Sorry, I should delete it shouldn’t I?” he laughed harshly. “I think I was still thinking you were my friend, but I forgot, you’re not.”

“You’re really stupid you know?” my jaw dropped. “I should’ve just left you alone, that night at the airport. Then I wouldn’t be so deep in your shit.” Bobby got up so I could get out. I bobbed my head to the door, telling them it was time to go.

“I can’t help you with that can i?” I asked. “Sorry you’re so deep in my shit, although you did it to yourself. I’m so done with you hurting me Zayn. I can’t do this anymore.” I started down the sidewalk, making sure Bobby and Hunter were in front of me so they wouldn’t get snatched up. “I thought you were my friend, but you obviously weren’t. I told you things I don’t even tell people who’ve know me my whole life. Then you go and just hurt me, I told you I didn’t want to mess up your relationship. You and Perrie, didn’t have anything to do with why I don’t want to date Harry. I don’t want to date Harry because you-“

“And that’s exactly the problem!” he cut me off.

“BECAUSE YOU CAME TO MY HOME THAT DAY, AND SAID YOU DIDN’T WANT TO LOSE ME AS A FRIEND. BUT THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID, AND  I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY, BECAUSE I’M NOW BECOMING AN ALCOHOLIC AND HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF MY BROTHER AND SISTER WITHOUT ANYONE TO TURN TO, AND IT’S ALL YOU FAULT. BECAUSE YOU HAD MIXED EMOTIONS ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP, AND DECIDED TO KISS ME, DECIDED TO BRING ME TO YOUR HOME AND TELL ME WHY YOU’RE MISERABLE. I DIDN’T ASK FOR YOU. IF I NEVER MET YOU, I WOULDN’T BE SO DEEP IN MY OWN SHIT!” he didn’t say anything after that. By the time I was finished yelling at him, we were already standing in front of my building. I’d never been so angry at another human being in my life. I never yelled at someone like this, I was more shocked at myself then my brother and sister were. “And I hate you for what you’ve done to me.”

“I didn’t know you felt that way-“

“NO, YOU DIDN’T BECAUSE YOU HAVEN’T BEEN HERE!” I pulled the door open and walked into the elevator, I waited for the twins to get in before pressing the button to my floor.

“Please, just stop yelling.”

“You make me so angry, I’ve never been this angry. Why are you doing this to me?” my eyes started to water, Bobby and Hunter scooted away from me.

“Reagan, I think we need to talk.”

“I don’t want to talk to you Zayn, that’s the last thing I want to do right now.” Hunter’s head snapped up the me and her face twisted into shock.

“I’m coming over anyways.”

“I don’t want you to come over Zayn, really, we’re done.” Bobby grabbed my arm and pulled me out the elevator.

“We’re not done Reagan, I’m getting on the next flight to see you.” I can keep telling this boy not to come, but I don’t think he’s gonna listen.

“You can’t come, you’re on tour.”

“I’m glad to see that you know that Reagan.” I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door. Bobby and Hunter ran inside while I stayed in the hall. I hung up wuickly and walked in, but was trampled instantly and brought to the floor. I opened my eyes and Hunter was ontop of me, her eyes deathly.

“Was that Zayn Malik, tell me the truth?!” I heard her say, but it felt like I was just knocked out.

“Yes.” Her jaw dropped.

“You know One Direction, and you didn’t tell me?!” I raised my shoulders.

“I guess I forgot to mention it.”

Tell Me You Love Me ( Zayn Malik Fan Fic )Where stories live. Discover now