Mission #2: Arizona base

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Londo Bell, U.N.S.C. base located in Arizona a large group of enemy forces of Covenant forces, Mars Zeon:  AMX-011EW Zaku III Recon Type x4, MS-14J.zm Gelgoog III x5 and group of AI drones that have tanks and spider like tanks.

The Phantom Sweep Corps a group of an elite Federation forces Mobile Suit Pilots were located in Arizona base.

Hugues Courand (leader) of The Phantom Sweep Corps inside of his mobile suit: RX-81 G-Line.

Hugues Courand (COMS): large any force of the Covenant including an unknown enemy Mobile Suit faction..

Cherie Allison, a female mobile suit pilot inside her MS: RX-81ST G-Line Standard Armor walking among side The Phantom Sweep Corps.

Hugh Carter (COMS): Do you think that they can be remnants of Zeon or another faction..?

Hugues Courand (COMS): we have no idea who the hell we're dealing with that are probably mobile suits so try not to get yourself cocky or trying to get yourself killed as well..

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, two
U.N.S.C Frigates among side a Federation/Londo Bell Pegasus class warship - Blanc Rival inside the Pegasus class ship: Tucker/Rupert inside his War Machine armor connected I did the exoskeleton of his own mobile suit a Gundam known as FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam among side many other Federation mobile suits:  RGM-79LV GM Night Seeker II x5, RX-77-3D Guncannon Heavy Type D x5 and RX-78SP Gunner Gundam piloted by Peche Montagne for the mission.

Tucker/Rupert inside of FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam made some adjustments for his mobile suit until Captain Darrell Godwin face appeared on one of the monitors of the cockpit.

Captain Darrell (COMS): So you must be the pilot and also the new war machine.. just try not to screw up the mission.

Tucker/Rupert: Don't worry, Captain. I won't let you down.

Captain Darrell: Good. We need all the help we can get. The enemy is heavily armed and dangerous..

Tucker/Rupert: might I ask what exactly is the enemy trying to do to attack Arizona base..?

Captain Darrell: We know that's there was also quantum to energy bombs probably that must be the reason why they're trying to attack the base to get their hands on the..

Tucker/Rupert eyes wide and just what kind of idiotic moron would actually come up with this for a Quantum weapon to actually fall into enemy's hands, actually a recipe for disaster.

Tucker/Rupert: That's insane! We can't let them get their hands on those bombs.

Captain Darrell: Agreed. That's why we need to stop them at all costs.

Tucker/Rupert: This is War Machine! FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam ready for lunch!!

FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam launching out of the Docking Bay of the Pegasus class ship into the war zone of Arizona Base.

A group of Covenant Banshees, including a Scarab using its main plasma, destroyers a guntank.

Tucker/Rupert inside of the cockpit of FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam firing multiple missiles and beam rifles destroying the Covenant Scarab.

Tucker/Rupert (COMS): This is War Machine reinforcements here to help out the Phantom Sweep Corps!!

Hugues Courand (COMS): What's good to see some reinforcements to kick some enemy asses!!

Cherie Allison (COMS): Tucker, glad to have you here! Let's show them what we're made of!

Tucker/Rupert: You got it, Cherie! Let's make these Covenant forces regret ever attacking Arizona Base!

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