Mission briefing

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Inside the briefing room of Ra Cailum.

Many soldiers of UNSC, S.H.I.E.L.D, and Londo Bell were in a briefing room waiting for captain.

Captain Bright Noa came into the room to congratulate the two new armored Heroes.

Captain Bright: Well, thank you so much for actually taking care of the Covenants Splinter faction group..

Rupert/Tucker: that's what war machine is going to do to take care of the enemy..

Iron Heart/Riri Williams: Not to mention that these covenants Splinter faction group certainly seems to be more than an opera..

Captain Bright: we don't know why now they were able to do all the senseless destruction either, perhaps digging up some Foreigner relics from the Great War..

Rupert/Tucker: Sir, what exactly is our next mission objective..?

Captain Bright: well for the time being things are really actually are kind of tight for the moment seeing that many people were taking care of many problems besides the Covenants as much a terrorist groups as well except any of the best players such as Amuro and Chan inside their mobile suits partaking down the Covenant and terrorist group including Spartan fireteam to as well..

Captain Bright: So for now, your mission is to stay on standby and assist with any emergencies that may arise. Keep your suits ready and be prepared for anything.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams: Understood, sir. We'll be ready for whatever comes our way.

Rupert/Tucker: Yes, sir. We won't let you down.

As the briefing ended, the soldiers began to disperse and head back to their quarters. Rupert/Tucker and Iron Heart/Riri Williams decided to relax for a bit before heading back to their rooms.

Rupert/Tucker, remember you saw a musical room saying they were time for him to actually singing, Rupert/Tucker decide to go to the musical room for Iron Heart/Riri Williams followed him with curiosity.

Rupert/Tucker cleared his throat and started to take a deep breath in and out and ready to sing.

Rupert/Tucker: *singing* Living for tomorrow
Lost within a dream
Tryna find the answer to the question
And it seems that love makes the world feel good

Rupert/Tucker: *singing* Singing in the moonlight
Dancing in the rain
Let the sunshine through to lift your spirit once again
Cause love makes the world feel good

A group of UNSC and S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers including a female mobile suit pilot were making a way to mess hall or cafeteria only for them to hear song.

Rupert/Tucker: *singing* Chasing after rainbows
Somewhere in the sky

Rupert/Tucker: *singing* And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good

Rupert/Tucker: *singing* Riding on the river
Of hearts that beat as one
This feels like forever and we've only just begun
Cause love makes the world feel good

As Rupert/Tucker finished his song, the group of soldiers outside the musical room applauded and cheered. They were impressed by his singing skills and the positive message of the song.

One of the soldiers, a female mobile suit pilot named Peche Montagne pilot of MS: AMX-00Z Engage Zero Yonghwavin, approached Rupert/Tucker and Iron Heart/Riri Williams.

That was amazing! You have a great voice.. she said with a smile.

Rupert/Tucker blushed at the compliment. Thank you. I used to sing in my church choir back home.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams chimed in, Yeah, he's pretty talented. He can also play the guitar and piano.

Peche Montagne's eyes lit up. Really? That's impressive. Maybe we can jam together sometime.

Rupert/Tucker nodded eagerly. I'd love that.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams: Let's get on lunch from the Miss Hall..

Rupert/Tucker: good because, I'm fucking starving! After our previous mission..

UNSC Soldier #4: I agree that singing where they work something appetite..

 As they made their way to the mess hall, they passed by a group of soldiers playing a game of cards. One of the soldiers, a young man named Jack, looked up and waved at them.

Hey guys, want to join us for a game of poker? he asked.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams shook her head. Sorry, Jack. We're headed to the mess hall for lunch.

Jack shrugged. Suit yourselves. But you're missing out on some serious fun.

Rupert/Tucker chuckled. Maybe next time, Jack.

As they entered the mess hall, they were greeted by the smell of freshly cooked food. The cafeteria was bustling with activity as soldiers from different factions mingled and chatted while enjoying their meals.

Rupert/Tucker grabbed a tray and loaded it up with food. He couldn't wait to dig in.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams picked up a salad and some fruit. She preferred lighter fare.

They found a table near the window and sat down to eat. As they ate, they talked about their previous missions and shared stories about their lives before joining the military.

Rupert/Tucker: So, Riri, what made you decide to become a soldier?

Iron Heart/Riri Williams: Well, my parents were both in the military, so I guess it runs in the family. Plus, I wanted to make a difference and protect people.

Rupert/Tucker nodded. Same here. My dad was a soldier too. He always told me stories about his missions and how he helped people. It inspired me to follow in his footsteps.

Iron Heart/Riri Williams smiled. That's really cool.

As they finished their meal, they heard a commotion coming from outside the mess hall. Curious, they got up and went to investigate.

They found a group of soldiers gathered around a TV screen, watching a news report.

...and in other news, there have been reports of strange occurrences happening all over the world. Witnesses claim to have seen mysterious figures appearing out of nowhere and disappearing just as quickly. Some believe that these sightings are related to the recent increase in supernatural activity.

Rupert/Tucker frowned. What the hell is going on?

Iron Heart/Riri Williams looked worried. This doesn't sound good.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded throughout the ship.

Attention all personnel, this is not a drill. We have detected an unknown object approaching the ship. All soldiers are to report to their designated battle stations immediately.

Rupert/Tucker and Iron Heart/Riri Williams exchanged a look of determination. It was time to put their training to the test.

from SIM Trooper to HeroDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora