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"Which, you could just send them a picture of you," Alice pointed out while admiring her work.

Jackie just waved them off while smoothing the fabric of the skirt down. "If I don't get to see them, they can't see me."

"But there's a painting with them in it in Carlisle's office," Bella spoke up, a frown on her face. If it were her, she'd be dying to know what her mate looked like. "Wait, you've seen the painting."

"I wasn't paying attention. Edward's very boring," Jackie informed her before tossing her phone to her sister.

"Rude," Edward called from the hallway. Never wanting to be far from Bella, he'd been waiting outside for them to finish.

"So is eavesdropping, you mind-reading freak."

"Jokes on you," he snorted, used to her teasing by now. "You're gonna fall in love with a mind-reading freak too."

"Damn," Bella mused, "we really are twins."


It was Aro, not Caius, who picked up the blonde's phone that he'd forgotten in their shared study, receiving the video from their mate. The king curiously tilted his head, eyes skimming the vulgar text message.

I wear what I fucking want.

Rather than call his brother, Aro simply pressed play on the video. He watched with interest as Jackie appeared on screen, her face just out of frame. Some part of Aro was thrilled by that, knowing he was still the only one to see her angelic face, even if only through Edward's memories.

In the video, his little human mate was wearing the cheerleading uniform that'd been previously on the back of her door. But Aro was fairly certain the skirt was somehow shorter, and as Jackie swayed her hips, the panels of the skirt parted, exposing the smooth skin of her thighs and the pair of tight underwear that was the same color as the fabric of her uniform. She did a few more simple stunts, each one exposing more and more skin, practically torturing the vampire when she fell down into an effortless split on the ground. The last thing she did before the video ended was raise her middle finger, it clearly aimed at Caius for telling her she couldn't wear the uniform.

Aro shamelessly watched the video once more, eyes following the curve of her ass and the way her top rode up when she raised her hands. Then he blinked a few times to clear his head before deciding to make a call.

Jack wasn't exactly surprised when she saw Caius' contact appear on her screen — she was still hanging out in Rosalie's room, who helped her film the ordeal that must have pissed him off. Emmett was in the room with them and had been throwing a football back and forth with the human while Rosalie watched, just hoping they didn't break anything in her room.

With a wicked grin, Jackie answered the call, rolling onto her back as she looked at the ceiling. "You rang, Oh Violent One?" Emmett snickered at the nickname while Rosalie just smirked.

"I'm afraid I'm not quite as short-tempered as my dear brother," an unfamiliar voice said. Jackie tensed up in an instant, thinking the deep and accented voice was quite alluring.

"Is this not Caius?" she asked, surprised by how easily his name fell from his lips. "It's his number."

"It is. He's abandoned his phone for the time being, though. He's off with Marcus."

"So, that makes you Aro," she said before turning her nose up a bit. "The one that never texts back."

Aro chuckled a bit, hearing the attitude in her tone. He liked it. "And I must apologize for that, Tesoro. I'm kept quite busy."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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