Dark and Snowy Night

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"Are you going to look at the stars again?" Celebrimbor asked sardonically, as he and Talion sat on the roof of the newly captured fortress. The sounds of orcish festivities could be heard, even from up there, and Talion could not tell if he found the noise tolerable or not. He was pacing, trying to keep his mind free of memories for the present.

"I thought you liked it last time." Talion said, answering the elf's query. "I know I did." He stopped and raised his eyes heavenward. "Not even the darkness of Sauron can touch them."

Celebrimbor nodded grimly. "But it can cover them." He said. "Even the brightest light may be shaded, if it refuses to be blotted out." His hand clenched into a fist. "But we will drive out all darkness in this land."

Subconsciously Talion turned this ring on his finger. "Indeed." He said. "Light prevails, and good will always triumph, despite..." his voice faltered a moment, "...despite all." He suddenly sat down, his heart heavy, and pressed his palms to his forehead. He found himself actually missing Ratbag's distracting conversation.

He sensed Celebrimbor seat himself beside him. The Wraith said nothing for a time, but let Talion pull himself together again on his own. Eventually the Ranger lifted his head. "What now?" He murmured. "We have taken Khargukôr, and Seregost lies in our grasp. But first we must strengthen our hold. The rest of Mordor will come trying to take this place back." Pushing to his feet, Talion went to stand at the edge of the roof, where he could look out and see, even in this dark night, the land stretching about the fortress. It was cold and bleak and savage. The distant roar of the hunting caragors was just discernable to the Ranger above the celebratory noises below him.

"Establish captains." Celebrimbor said. "Send out raiding parties. Let the orcs strengthen our hold and we shall turn our eyes elsewhere, to Cirith Ungol."

"Lithlad lies nearer us." Talion replied without moving. The memory of Shelob, of her bewitchment, was clear in his mind and he had little desire to see the tricky spider queen again unless he had to. "Cirith Ungol...need we take it? It is a small place."

"Even as you speak, you know the answer, Talion." Replied Celebrimbor curtly. "Cirith Ungol lies beside Minas Morgul, and thus is essential to our conquest of Mordor. Should you wish to take your precious city from the hands of the Nine, you will need a refuge to fall back on should the battle go ill." Takion heard the wraith stand up and move to stand beside him. "As for Lithlad," continued the elf, "it is a waste of time. A bare desert, a wasteland. Only the most recalcitrant orcs are sent there, and sent there to die. The Dark Lord hardly looks that way. We will not gain much by taking it." His white eyes burned as he looked westward, towards Cirith Ungol.

Takion sighed. "So be it. But why not take Gorgoroth now? It is close by us."

"And it is the seat of Sauron's power." Replied Celebrimbor. "We should attack it last, once we have amassed an army behind us that not even he can match. And that will only be possible once we claim all of Mordor besides." Folding his arms, the wraith leaned on a column of metal which jutted out from the roof and gazed off into the distance.

Privately, Talion thought that all of Mordor should include Lithlad as well, but Celebrimbor was right in one thing: it was a wasteland and a long, long way from the battles he sought to make. "Cirith Ungol it is, then." He said. "But if we should need Shelob's visions, I will seek her out."

"Or she will seek us out." Replied the elf with a curl of his lip. "Whether we like it or not, she is persistent." Then he vanished without another word.

Takion sat down on the edge of the roof and looked down. Crowds of orcs filled the courtyard and snatches of crude singing drifted up on the wind towards him. Their words were of blood and war and the crushing of their enemies. Talion thought back to the bloom of Niphredil he had given Ioreth for their anniversary...he could hardly visualize it now.

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