More than Just You Out Here

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"Hagra. You followed us, I see." Talion slid his dagger back into its sheath on his back. "How long have you been tracking us?"

Beside him, Ronk was grinning more gleefully than Talion had ever seen. "You found us!" He whispered. "I knew you would!"

"Oh, did you?" Hagra retorted with a loud hiss. "Is that why you left this at your last campsite?" He pulled out the rock and flourished it in his friend's face. Ronk snatched it from him, shooting a quick glance at their boss, who was still waiting for an answer.

Talion arched an eyebrow at the two uruks. "Well?" He was halfway proud that this uruk had managed to find them and halfway exasperated at the delay.

Hagra swallowed. "I picked up the trail about midday same mornin' you disappeared. One of the lookouts told me which ways you'd 'eaded."

Talion nodded, turning back towards the road they'd been making for. "You followed decently enough, then. And yes, Ronk left that for you. He believed you would eventually come after us." Ignoring the sudden silence from both uruks at his words, Talion peered at a group of orcs sauntering up the road. "For now, keep quiet. We are making for Seregost and it's still a long way from here. We don't want to put ourselves too much at risk until we get there." And even when we do, only I am banished from death. These two will have to be careful if they wish to survive longer than most orcs.

They exited the bushes once the other orcs had passed and began pushing their way further north and east with every mile after that. Every outpost they spotted, the Bright Lord went ahead, claiming orcs for his own or killing any he found, while Hagra and Ronk stole food and supplies and then together they cut their way out. Talion found many opportunities to study the fighting styles of his two companions, which he found very profitable, as he was able to correct many of the flaws in their techniques. Ronk's had been improving since he had set out with Talion, but Hagra still swung wildly with each stroke. Talion took to training with them each morning before they set out, ensuring the uruks knew exactly how to align their swords and how to position their feet. "How you got as far as you have, I will not guess. But now we go to war unlike any you have yet experienced and unless you know better how to handle a blade, neither of you will see it through."

Despite their natural inclination to rebel, Hagra and Ronk took to the practice with determination, fueled by the promise of being the first among Talion's Chosen and the basic need among all orcs to best each other. Ronk's natural tendency to switch his fighting approach let him usually come out on top, which seemed to be nothing abnormal, if Hagra's cursing was anything to judge by. As for Hagra, he was strong and refused to give in, not knowing when he was beaten.

The group gradually got closer to Seregost, and the weather got colder and colder. The grass began to freeze over, green and gold stems covered in silver frost that shattered as the boots of the uruks pressed over it. Hagra was first to complain. "Shrakh, it's cold enough to turn my brains into ice cubes."

"Which it just might if you keep complainin' like that." Ronk retorted. He wrapped his furs tighter around himself. "Shut yer gob and stop lettin' all the cold air in."

Hagra shot him a quizzical look. "But it gets in anyhow. When I breathe, it gets in. So...are my brains goin' to freeze?" Ronk swatted at him in answer and the uruk had to duck. They cursed at each other briefly before falling silent once more.

Talion trudged on ahead of them, only half-listening to their mutterings, and wondering what they would do when snow started to fall. In the distance he could see the ground sloping upwards, earth giving way to rocks and bushes becoming scrubby brush, all covered in a light powdering of snow. He had not been to Seregost yet, but his half-dead body seemed more than capable of handling the fearsome temperatures so far; perhaps this would raise his standing even further among his followers, as they shivered and stomped by their campfires.

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