Start from the beginning

"Mia, since when did Ariel's number change to mine?" Jackson's laughter resonated through the phone, making my heart flutter like a gentle breeze against my ears.

"Oh... Sorry... I don't actually have your number," I whispered, mentally berating myself. How could I say that? He might think I'm not interested.

"Oh... I see. I got a new number while I was heading over here," he reassured me, instantly alleviating my concerns.

"So... How did you get my...uh, number?" I asked, pulling the blanket up to my chin.

"I asked Miles for it a few minutes ago. He's already fallen asleep," he chuckled, and I could envision Miles in a comical sleeping position. "Let me guess, his head is almost touching the floor while his legs are dangling off the bed?"

"Bingo," he confirmed, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Take a picture for me. I want to see it," I playfully requested, already planning to use it as future blackmail material.

"No problem. But first, are you on Instagram?" His footsteps were audible, indicating that he was moving around.

"Yeah, why?" I replied, curiosity piqued.

"I... I was hoping you'd want to chat with me there," he admitted, causing my face to break into a smile.

"I wou–" I paused, remembering how my previous attempts to find him on Instagram had been unsuccessful. "Mia, are you there?"

"Oh, yeah," I replied, biting my lower lip. "I'm not sure if it'll work, though. I tried searching for you there, but I couldn't find your name." I revealed the truth, wondering what he would think.

"Really?" Surprise laced his voice.

"Yeah, I... I..." Should I admit this? "I missed you," I blurted out, my heart racing as silence followed.

"Me too, Mia. More than you know," he finally sighed, whispering his words to me. In that moment, he felt both near and distant at the same time.

"What's your username on Instagram?" he asked, bringing me back from whatever alternate universe I had momentarily slipped into. "Just Mia Smith," I replied, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"And what's your profile picture like?"

"It's embarrassing," I admitted, palming my forehead at the memory of the hasty photo I had used. I had been so focused on finding him that I hadn't cared about the image I put out there.

He chuckled, sounding genuinely amused. "Now I'm even more curious. Come on, tell me Mia," he urged, his voice deepening with every mention of my name. It sent a pleasant shiver down my spine, and all I wanted was for him to keep talking until I drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

I couldn't help but cringe as I recalled the embarrassing profile picture I had hastily chosen. It was a candid shot taken by Ariel during a sleepover. In the photo, I had a silly expression on my face, my cheeks puffed out as I attempted to blow a bubble with a wad of chewing gum.

" Don't laugh but It's a photo of me blowing a gum bubble. My cheeks are all puffed out, and I have this  ridiculous expression on my face. My hair is a complete mess, too."

"Can you send it to me?" Jackson asked suddenly, catching me off guard and causing confusion.

"Why? It's on my profile," I replied, puzzled by his request.

"Just send it, Mia," he sighed through the phone. "Okay, but later," I reluctantly agreed, sensing there was more to it.

"Okay, one more thing..." He paused, and my heart raced with anticipation. "Are you still going on that date with Ethan?"

Falling For Jackson Again ✓Where stories live. Discover now