Chapter 16

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Soho, London

The Bentley pulled up outside Aziraphale's bookshop, and as Y/N and Crowley stepped out, they were met with the sight of Aziraphale already briskly approaching them. Y/N, determined to maintain a facade of normalcy, put on a brave face and exchanged a fleeting glance with Crowley. The unspoken tension lingered beneath the surface, but for now, they both chose to mask it.

Aziraphale greeted them with a warm smile, though a discerning gleam in his eyes hinted at a deeper understanding of the complexities brewing between the two. Without much preamble, he ushered them forward, guiding them towards the quaint pub down the road.

As they entered the establishment, the atmosphere shifted from celestial concerns to the earthly charm of a local pub. Crowley, ever the demonstrative one, couldn't help but express his surprise, exclaiming, "We're going to the pub!"

Y/N stood in the doorway, looking around the pub with a hint of skepticism on her face. "We never go to the pub," she remarked to Aziraphale, who was scanning the room for an available table.

Aziraphale turned to Y/N with a genial smile. "Well, my dear, we're in the pub now," he replied, his eyes still wandering in search of a suitable spot to sit.

With a quizzical expression, Y/N questioned the choice of venue. "What's wrong with the coffee shop?" she inquired, a preference for their usual haunt evident in her tone.

Aziraphale sighed, "That's precisely the problem." He gestured for Y/N to follow as he continued his quest for a free table. The cozy familiarity of the coffee shop seemed to be disrupted by something that compelled Aziraphale to seek refuge in a different environment.

Turning to Crowley, Aziraphale placed an order, "A Sherry, please." Y/N chimed in, "Make mine a rum and coke, and double the shot, please."

Aziraphale, ever the gentleman, placed his hand on the small of Y/N's back, guiding her toward a promising table. As they approached, the man seated there suddenly stood up and left, leaving the table conveniently vacant.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, acknowledging Aziraphale's use of a subtle miracle. With a grateful smile, they took their seats, settling into the pub's atmosphere.

As they made themselves comfortable, Crowley sauntered up to the bar, his eyes keeping a vigilant watch on Y/N.

Leaning against the polished wood, Crowley casually ordered their drinks from the bartender, his gaze never straying far from the table where Y/N and Aziraphale were seated. His protective instincts were on high alert, especially given recent tensions.Crowley sighed. He couldn't shake the unease that had settled within him since their recent discord, and every move, every interaction, was scrutinized for signs of trouble.

As Aziraphale and Y/N patiently waited for their drinks, a newcomer approached them. Mr Brown, a figure unknown to Aziraphale, greeted the angel warmly. His eyes then shifted to Y/N.

Aziraphale, ever the gentleman, introduced Y/N with a smile. Mr Brown, exuding an air of charisma, took Y/N's hand, planting a polite kiss on it. His proximity, however, seemed to breach the bounds of customary politeness as he settled into the seat beside her, uninvited. The proximity caught her off guard, leaving her with an uncomfortable feeling about the man.

Instinctively, her gaze sought out Crowley, silently imploring him for assistance. Crowley, stationed at the bar, observed the unfolding scenario with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smirk. His eyes followed every interaction between Y/N and Mr Brown

Meanwhile, Mr Brown, seemingly oblivious to any unease he might have caused, engaged Aziraphale in conversation about the monthly gatherings of street vendors. Y/N, still processing the encounter, found herself yearning for Crowley's return.

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