Chapter 11

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Y/N's Apartment

The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room as Y/N stirred from her slumber. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she reached out instinctively, only to find an empty space where Crowley should have been. Confusion furrowed her brow as she sat up, scanning the room in search of any sign of the demon.

Concern gnawed at the edges of her consciousness as she got out of bed, her footsteps quiet against the floor. Y/N traversed the familiar spaces of her apartment, each room seemingly untouched by the presence of the demon she had come to share her nights with. It was an eerie stillness, a void that left her grappling with the uncertainty of the situation.

As she stepped into the living room, the absence of Crowley became more palpable. Y/N's gaze darted toward the window, revealing an empty parking space where the sleek black Bentley usually stood. A frown creased her features as she processed the realization that Crowley was not only absent from their bed but also gone from her apartment.

Suppressing the immediate jump to conclusions, Y/N reasoned with herself. She hesitated, unwilling to assume the worst about the night before. Perhaps Crowley had been called away for some demonic duty, an obligation that required his immediate attention. The thought that he might be talking to Shax lingered in her mind, a plausible explanation that offered a modicum of comfort.

Determined to assuage her growing unease, Y/N reached for her phone, fingers dialing Crowley's number. The ringtone echoed in the quiet apartment, but instead of Crowley's voice, the call was abruptly diverted to voicemail. A pang of worry tightened in her chest, the unanswered call leaving her with more questions than answers.

In the quiet solitude of her living room, Y/N set her phone down, a decision brewing in the depths of her mind. A longing to bridge the chasm that separated her from her estranged brother, Lucifer, took hold. It was time to confront the shadows of the past and seek a semblance of understanding.

With a determined resolve, Y/N transformed the room into a sacred space. The floor bore a pentagram, intricately engraved, surrounded by an array of flickering candles that cast a warm glow. It was a makeshift shrine, a conduit to summon the elusive presence of Lucifer.

As she lit each candle with careful precision, Y/N felt a surge of energy in the room. The air itself seemed charged with anticipation. With the ritual completed, she uttered the summoning words, invoking the name of her brother.

Lucifer materialized behind her, a spectral presence in the dimly lit room. "Hello, Y/N," he greeted, his voice carrying an otherworldly resonance.

Y/N turned, a mixture of trepidation and hope in her eyes. "Hello, Lucifer," she replied, meeting his gaze.

With the candles illuminating their faces, Y/N extinguished each flame, and an air of calm fell upon the room. She covered the pentagram, concealing the arcane symbol etched into the floor. The room returned to its mundane appearance, the supernatural aura dissipating.

Curiosity gleamed in Lucifer's eyes as he questioned, "Why did you summon me?"

Y/N, her sincerity evident, responded, "I just wanted to talk. Besides, don't you want to mend our relationship?"

A moment of contemplation passed, and Lucifer, seemingly moved by the genuine intent in Y/N's words, nodded. "Yes," he admitted, a subtle softening in his demeanor. "I wanted to talk to you too."

In the quiet aftermath of the summoning ritual, the siblings stood in the muted glow of the living room, the remnants of the shrine now concealed. The air carried the weight of unspoken history, and in that shared space, a tentative step toward reconciliation unfolded.

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