Chapter 8

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Soho, London

In the sleek confines of Crowley's Bentley, the atmosphere was charged with urgency. Y/N and Crowley were racing through the city, the sleek car slicing through the air with a speed only a demon could achieve. The engine's growl echoed in the streets as Crowley, with a devilish glint in his eyes, skillfully weaved through traffic.

"Get out of the way! There's only room for one of us in this lane, and it's not you." Crowley yelled at the car in front of him, his impatience evident. He expertly maneuvered through the labyrinth of vehicles, leaving a trail of bewildered drivers in his wake. Y/N couldn't help but grip the edge of her seat, a mix of exhilaration and concern etched across her face.

Crowley, unfazed by the chaos he left in his wake, snapped his fingers as they approached a traffic light. The light obediently changed from red to green, allowing the Bentley to continue its breakneck pace through the city.

As they screeched to a halt outside Aziraphale's bookshop, Crowley and Y/N wasted no time. The car door swung open, and they emerged into the warm afternoon air. The bookshop stood before them, a familiar haven amid celestial turmoil.

The air held a tangible tension, a sense of urgency that drove them forward. As they walked toward the Aziraphale's sanctuary, the distant sound of frantic knocking reached their ears.

Turning toward the source, they discovered the coffee shop. Frantically, Nina and Maggie knocked on the door, their faces pressed against the glass. A hastily scrawled sign explained their predicament – they had been locked inside.

Y/N's eyes narrowed in a subtle accusation as she turned to Crowley. It was apparent that the lightning-induced theatrics had led to the unintended consequence of trapping the two women inside the coffee shop.

With a snap of her fingers, Y/N unlocked the doors, and the lights flickered back to life within the shop. The apologetic sign was quickly replaced by relieved smiles from Nina and Maggie.

Crowley, giving the two a small, sheepish smile, admitted, "My bad."

Y/N shot him an amused yet reproachful look, but they continued down the road, leaving the now-open coffee shop behind. The afternoon's events had unfolded with unexpected twists, but their focus remained on the pressing matter at hand.

The familiar chime of the bell announced their arrival as Y/N and Crowley pushed open the door to Aziraphale's bookshop. The scent of aged paper and leather-bound books filled the air, wrapping them in a comforting embrace as they stepped into the cozy haven.

Crowley wasted no time in reveling in the familiar surroundings. With a flourish, he danced around the store, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he twirled between the towering bookshelves. Y/N couldn't help but smile at the demon's antics, finding a certain charm in his irreverent joy.

Eventually, they found Aziraphale seated at his desk, absorbed in some task.

"We're back!" Crowley proclaimed, his voice infused with an air of theatricality.

Aziraphale glanced up from his work, a small side glance acknowledging their return. "Yes, I can see that," he replied, his attention returning to the task at hand.

With the borrowed book in her hands, Y/N approached Aziraphale's desk. She gently placed the book down, offering a quiet, "Here you go," as she did so. Aziraphale spared her a brief smile, gratitude evident in his eyes as he thanked her.

Finding a comfortable leather armchair nearby, Y/N settled in, observing the interactions between her two celestial friends. Crowley, unsure of his role at the moment, stood, glancing between Y/N and Aziraphale as if seeking guidance.

'Til Death Do Us Part - Crowley x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz