Hiyori: Well, at least it'll be fun!! Come on, Pom Pom!!

Hiyori grabbed Pomni's hand and ran out of the Tent, seeing the wonderful sights around the Circus and below was the sight of Toontown.

Hiyori: Whoa!! Toontown's a lot bigger than I thought. No more void!

Pomni; For now...


But there had been one thing Hiyori had never told Pomni, nor the others...except Jax. Only Jax had knew about it. Only Jax understood her pain.

Hiyori, unlike the others, remembered her old name. Or at least, a nickname. Hiyori. She also had a glimpse of her old life. But it wasn't truly pleasant.

There was indeed a reason why she never wanted to leave the Amazing Digital Circus. She just couldn't remember why her old life was so...unpleasant.

The Amazing Digital Circus  had been her only family. Her true family as far as she had known.

Perhaps that was why she abstracted. The thought of losing her friends was extremely terrifying.

Even with the comfort from her friends was still not enough.

And then one day, she was gone.

Jax was soon paired up with Gangle and Kinger. He didn't really like this, considering what happened last time. But it was better than being paired with Zooble. That apathetic potato head.

Jax: Alright, what is the first puzzle?

He checked the map that Caine had given them and looked up. He saw a black and white house nearby. And a familiar ink demon awaited him.

Bendy: Hello Jax...

Jax: Ugh, you again?! I can't stand you little son of a-

Kinger: Hey, Bendy! Say, have you seen my insect collection?

Bendy: Nope, but I've got a puzzle for you!! See this bell I'm holding? You've got to catch it!

Jax: That ain't a puzzle, that's a challenge. It ought to be easy as pie.

Bendy: Only if you catch me first!! *runs off*

Jax: Don't worry, guys. I'll handle this. *he sped off*

Gangle: Wow! Look at him go!!

Gangle was still enthusiastic with her comedy mask, which had been repaired by Jax. Even though Jax had promised to break her comedy mask that night, he never did it this morning. It was possibly that he didn't want to glue the mask back together again, or maybe, just maybe, he wasn't up to being so mischievous today.

Jax focused all of his attention on that annoying little demon, running as fast as he can.

Bendy: You can't catch me, copycat!! *blows a raspberry*

Jax: Why you little-

That's when Jax tripped over something and faceplanted onto the ground. As Jax got up from the momentary shock, he saw a large crack on the ground. But it wasn't open, thankfully. If that crack was any wider, Jax could have fallen in. Who knows where that crack led to?

Jax noticed Bendy was getting away. Once again Jax chased him. He needed to get this stupid adventure finished. But suddenly, Bendy stopped as Jax bumped into him.

Jax: Hey, what's wrong, pie eyes? Are you finally ready to give up or...or...

Jax's eyes widened when he saw what Bendy was staring at. It was big, no, giant, and was completely black. Colorful eyes were everywhere on that thing, staring in all directions. An abstraction. What was an abstraction doing here?

The Amazing Digital Circus: Dawn Of The VirusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz