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Dear misery, am I again? ,-there is so much to tell you and little to talk about?,.-but if I wanted to do it, it would be to be able to understand that person who is so suffocating and desperate at the same time!-but he would not understand me at all to the little attachment that pain has to numb me leaving my muscles and tendons mute so as not to speak, saving myself for the silence of your bones? If he were here I would ask him if he still wants to talk to me? there will be nothing left but the ashes of an old distant land in which I cannot get out alive alone with death in his arms take my soul to shelter to be able to rest and rest forever.


"I'm drained? It's draining me"

It doesn't matter the difference or differences?, in any subject a bite on the lips bleeds for feeling threatened by scratching your white skin to tear the skin from puncture wounds!.-.-No It doesn't matter where to start and at what cost I sigh in tears but I don't confess, I want you to come with me but you're not here? I want to talk to you but you don't want to but even so the pain remains to continue nailing your heart until you stop feeling sorry for one same,.-

So much heavy this charge so much blame I can do it anything for her?but he left the door closes and I'm left alone everything it's is my fault my sins

How much pain can you feel in memory for anger that boils the blood?,- but perhaps it's all my fault?, for being frank? For being impulsive with little use of rationing am I so indifferent? bars locked in oblivion due to the abuses experienced But it was my fault for not closing my expression when talking about what was politically incorrect but I feel that inside I am frank and sincere?, more than that and for that reason I am willing to die in vain again? .- He never knew how to understand my emotions or those feelings forgotten underground.

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