Toward's of life so easily amused

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How much desire is there to live?, to live life and breathe pure and clean air dreaming so much time ran out?, and the coffee cup turned over on the wooden table?, breathing deeply, so as not to lose patience? Not even faith? If a new tomorrow fear takes control of my soul to sit down and talk to God? Asking if I would still give her a chance to live? Even though her life is broken and sad, she deserves to keep breathing to rest before marching towards heaven pure and clean with a spirit full of hope and fight!. I woke up without wanting to do anything without a setback to be able to improve to dismantle my idols how much I have matured in singing but even so I am unhappy and sad to live and continue living in a country where if you do not work for the government it condemns you to die hungry without experience how do I get out of here?

Friday, September 17

Dear misery?, even when she yells at me, insults me or worse hits me with words in which truth has no morals and my world turns to become a dark and distant place between galaxies far from earth it has an approximation of invent stories where a humanoid out of this world could help me get out of this cruel and superficial reality so that happiness enters through the suffocating air of overwhelming heat full of toxicity and screams?, full of blood from hitting the same person twice in one day? I'm still sure deep down that this is not my best moment to testify an agreement that God enters more into my life for the healing of these blows as painful as the suffering of others but of course? ,-if I'm stupid, I'm worth nothing?, neither body nor beauty, pure lie when observing the distant blue sky to another life outside of this world in which I could be happy, capable of reasoning believing that something could be solved as soon as possible That justice can be done in a country full of chains and smiles broken by tyranny, being afraid but remembering those events that marked my life from my childhood to my adolescence, I don't understand why my favorite idol and best friend did it


Even with the wild current that travels through those confines of the universe, he was not able to get any answer? Above all this rancor, why? Because


"Tonight I will fall asleep and I will praying to see the hope of light tomorrow"

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