Chapter twenty two: infatuato

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing for your birthday?" Briar asks quietly while closing her book she was vaguely glancing at.

"Sit in my room, eat cake, and binge a bad teen drama show" I say simply.

I hate my birthday.

"That's fucking lame" Hazel narrows her eyes at me.

"Its a birthday tradition" I laugh quietly while tucking a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

"Maybe we could all celebrate over dinner" Atlas shrugs.

"That would be so much fun!" Hazel claps before she is hushed violently by the scowling librarian.

"I would love too" I smile blissfully.

My phone suddenly rings and my eyes fly open in surprise as the loud noise echos across the quiet library.

I quickly answer the phone and hold it up to my ear while rolling my eyes at the many glares that are shot in my direction.

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?" I hear the Russian accent roll through the phone.

"Oh hey Dimitri, I am doing wonderful as always" I say quietly with a small smile, "but I am with friends right now so can I call you later?"

"I really wanted to speak to you, but I suppose that works." He chuckles.

"Okay thank you, bye" I quickly hang up the phone and place it down on the table. I glance up and jump in surprise when I am met with the fuming librarian standing beside my table with a glare.

"You need to get out of the library right now. You have been creating too many issues and interrupting everyone who is actually working." The woman sneers while slamming my book shut  that was open on the table.

"I haven't done anything to interrupt anyone besides my phone ringing for a few seconds." I say defensively, shocked by her sudden outburst.

"Well everyone here is actually trying to do something with their life, while you screw around with your trashy friends. So get out of my library."

"I haven't even been loud" I bite out while opening my book again.

The woman grabs my book again and is about to shut it, before a sudden presence behind me silences her.

I feel two hands brace themselves against the back of my chair and I am met with the familiar smell. I watch as the librarian's expression contort to intimidation.

"Don't touch her fucking book again." The deep voice says threateningly. "She hasn't done anything to you or your fucking library that you believe you own," Eros snarls, "maybe focus on the teenage boys smoking weed in the back corner before you attack her just because your life is so pathetic it revolves around persecuting people in a public library."

The woman nervously turns around and glances towards a corner where a bunch of boys are hunched together while snickering.

"I- um well, she has been loud and disrespectful the entire time she has been here." The woman says turning back around and pushing up her glasses.

What the fuck did I do to her?

"Then give me one thing that she has said loud enough that you heard" Eros says menacingly.

A chill softly runs through my body when I feel Eros's warm thumb lightly brush against my upper back in a swift, comforting motion.

"Well I- I can't remember now but she-" She is cut off while nervously glancing around the room, "was she bothering you?" Eros says angrily.

Vita MiaWhere stories live. Discover now