Christmas Special # 2

Start from the beginning

Zatanna: "You're lucky I think you're cute."

The agent simply laughed as he released the magician from his embrace and the pair began work on dinner.


After a quick and pleasant dinner, Zatanna and (Y/n) were cleaning up the kitchen as snow steadily fell outside their building.

(Y/n): "So, any idea on how to spend the night?"

Zatanna: "You can never go wrong with some Christmas movies and cuddling on the couch."

(Y/n): "Sounds like a perfect night."

The pair of lovers smiled at eachother and swiftly made their way to the living room. Within a minute (Y/n) had pulled Zatanna up onto his lap and wrapped a blanket over them.

Titan trotted into the living room and sprawled out across the carpet, letting out a huff as he stretched out.

(Y/n): "Tired buddy? Must've been a long day of sleeping on the bed."

Zatanna: "Leave him alone, he's cute and earned his rest."

(Y/n): "Oh I don't doubt that. We've got some intense training coming up, I know he's been itching to come back in the field with me."

The magician smiled and began shifting her weight, turning around to straddle (Y/n)'s lap and gently cup his face with her hands.

Zatanna: "I've missed our free time. Sometimes I think our lives only revolve around our jobs, and I hate it."

(Y/n): "Trust me, I look forward to our quiet nights just as much as you do. But you're blocking my view of the movie."

A light laugh slipped out of Zatanna's lips as (Y/n) brought his hands to her waistline and began feeling his magician's upper body.

Zatanna: "Are you complaining?"

(Y/n): "Absolutely not. This view is so much better."

The magician's lips gently pressed against her husbands and a soft moan slipped out as she pressed her body into his. The pair deepened the kiss, exploring eachothers mouths while ignoring the movie and their surroundings.

When they finally broke for air, Zatanna closed her eyes and rested her forehead against her agent's, drawing in rapid breaths as her heart rate rose. Excitement filled her body as (Y/n) wrapped his arms around her and all her troubles seemed to slip away.

Zatanna: "Forget our quiet night, I want you. I want you right now."

(Y/n) obliged in an instant, standing up and taking Zatanna with him. The magician wrapped her arms and legs around the agent's body, showering him in kisses as he carried her towards their bedroom.

A massive loving smile formed on the agent's face as Zatanna gently purred in his embrace. But before the lovers could enjoy their night, both their phones rang at the same time.

ISAC: "Priority message received."

Zatanna: "I swear, I'm going to take that watch and shove it up your-"

The agent laughed and set Zatanna down, though she refused to let go of him. With a quick whisper of a spell their cell phones were flown across the apartment and gently landed in their hands.

Zatanna looked like she was about to explode in anger. Having been kept away from each other as a result of their work for weeks on end, she was more than looking forward to a night alone together.

(Y/n): "Whoever it is, go easy on them. I'm sure they wouldn't be calling unless it was absolutely necessary."

Zatanna: "Whoever it is? I guarantee you it's Nightwing."

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