9.(CH) can't get you out of my head

Start from the beginning


Any kind of trance he'd been in faded as they both looked as if they hadn't expected that to happen. Cedric had been willing to go back to his house, but now he couldn't move.

"Your broom," Harry murmured, remembering suddenly, and moved to the wall next to the stairs, where he grabbed it to hand it over to Cedric. “Don't forget it.”

He took it, unsure if he should say something. "Uh, thanks, I…”

The awkwardness was the worst part.

Harry was barely looking back at him.

Cedric thought that Harry had been about to kiss him... Had he been wrong?

Had he misread the whole situation?

"I think I should go,” was not what he wanted to express, but Cedric couldn't find the right words. He needed to think and not feel like a paralyzed nervous wreck in the middle of the living room, too scared that he'd made a mistake.

One he couldn't apologize for right then, because…

He didn't regret it one bit.

"Good night, Harry," he mumbled before disappearing down the chimney, taking in the restrained expression on Harry’s face that he would remember. 

Cedric caught a glimpse of his reply: Good ni…



He stood in the middle of the living room for at least five minutes.

If everything hadn't felt so alive and real, he would’ve claimed it was a dream. A good one, until he couldn't think of what to say or what to do. 

Cedric had kissed him, right?

Or had he done it himself? 

He might have thought so, but had he gotten so close with that intent? 

Harry didn't even know. 

Doing something about his feelings had never been a part of his plans, and here he was, at three in the morning, lying on his bed with the memory of Cedric's lips against his. A very, very true memory that played in his mind endlessly.


The next morning he had to confirm to himself that this did happen.

He didn't understand how a kiss could be so incredible.

What he previously thought as a meaningless practice, now he wanted to repeat it.

He tried to write to Cedric, but all he could say was that it had been great and some kind of painful declaration of love that he was afraid to put down on a parchment. 



His father woke him up very early to have breakfast together.

Amos had been working everyday for the last week like never before, not being able to communicate with Cedric as much as he usually did on summer break. He had missed a couple of suppers and sharing mornings was the next best thing. Cedric got up from the bed, even though he was exhausted and had his head focused on…

The boy he had kissed last night. 

In broad daylight, Cedric wondered why he had done it. 

Apart from the obvious reason that, well, he did want to (and how much).

The Boy I Love -HEDRIC (2)Where stories live. Discover now