7.(CH) an (un)expected visit

Start from the beginning

If these were followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named…

The words couldn’t form in his head, leaving only that feeling.

He fell asleep between nightmares. 


The next morning, the first thing he did was go to the kitchen to look for the note on the fridge that his father might have left, as he used to do on certain occasions. If Amos had returned home even for a moment, now was the right time to scribble a message. 

Situation, controlled. No injuries. Gonna be late, lots of paperwork. Take care of yourself.

And what must say in barely legible handwriting: loves you, Dad.

Mr. Lovegood was already awake, reading the newspaper on the table, which was marked in huge letters:


It seemed like there would be a lot more to it than paperwork…

"You got up early," he commented, frowning gently. “I haven't been able to rest either. Lunita continues snoring. This attack last night… I doubt it's the end of the whole thing.”

Cedric didn't need to ask to suspect what it meant.

The second thing he did was write a letter to Harry and instruct Puff to make sure she delivered it in person. To say that he was uneasy was an understatement. Harry Potter, Death Eaters and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was not a good combination: what if something had happened to Harry? 

He needed to know that he was okay. 

Last but not least, he wrote to the rest of his friends. To Cho and Hunter about his safety. Malcolm, Tam, and Willow because they'd probably be worried too. His father's owl rested in the office, and he lifted his head to let Cedric tie the letters on one of his paws.



Mrs. Weasley was greatly relieved to see them back, safe and sound. 

She hugged every one of them, shouting about how she had been fearing the worst for the last couple of hours after the World Cup reporters' express statement —there were even photos, Harry noticed as he sat at the kitchen table and read the newspaper. It was one of those times when the real situation was a thousand times more horrible. No glossing over the atrocity, though they left out many important issues, such as the obvious fact that they were Death Eaters, and instead focused on criticizing the Ministry's handling of the entire sporting event. 

Mr. Weasley left his belongings and walked out the door with his coat on hand. 

Not before having a short argument with his wife, who claimed that he might as well enjoy the rest of his vacation and let the others deal with it for once. 

"I have to go to the office. This is a disaster,” was his closing argument and he spoke to everyone at the table. “See you, guys. Don't make your mother angry.”

A rattling sound caught Harry's attention.

In the window was Puff, who turned her head with her small amber eyes fixed on him. He took the letter in a second. 

"She arrived a few hours ago," Mrs. Weasley told Harry, her tone puzzled. “I tried to receive it, but she wouldn't let me. Curious, because she has allowed me to invite her in and caress her. Kind creature. Errol can be a curmudgeon at times, especially when he's kept waiting.”

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