Haircraft In Flight

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Aleena: Sometimes the struggle of a freedom fighter wears on the spirit. But as Sonia would soon learn relaxing one's guard for even a second leaves room for unscrupulous attack

David: While Serena needs to find a good balance between fighting and taking care of herself

In the sonic underground hideout Manic was tapping his drum sticks on the table and Sonic got a chili dog

Manic: Oh man that was the coolest last night! the Prince of Dorkness sure got his didn't he?

Sonic: Yep! He's gonna have to find some place else to build his bots now! Serena got new parts for her De-roboticizer!

Sonia was using a mirror to do her hair

Sonia: I cannot believe how primitive my life has become

Manic started tapping the drum sticks even louder

Sonia: Manic would you keep it down?!

Manic: Sure

He only got a little quieter

Sonia: Oh forget it!

Sonia took out what she thought was a curler from her hair only to see it was an empty soda can

Sonia: Huh?! Sonic!

Sonic: Hey nice do sis! You look like a... recycle bin!

Sonia: Sonic Hedgehog you left an open can of soda in the living room!

Sonic: Thanks sis! So that's where I left it

Sonia: 'Thanks sis'?! I just poured it all over my head! Now I have to shampoo my hair again!

Sonic: Hey take a chill pill sis. You used up all my soda and I'm not mad

Sonia: That's it! Where's Serena? I need another girl to talk to!

Sonic: in the work shop. But I wouldn't go in there if I were you

Sonia: why not-

Suddenly there was a small explosion that came from the workshop

Sonic: Because of that

Serena walked out of the workshop covered in dust

Serena: *cough* *cough* well that didn't work

Sonia: I swear I live with animals!

Serena: ...but we are animals

Sonia: you know what I meant!

Then Sonia saw a magazine about a salon and picked it up

Sonia: Oh I deserve this. I so deserve this!

Serena: While you're doing your hair I have work to do-

Sonia: no way! We both deserve a girls day! Besides you're a mess!

Serena: Fine but let's make it quick

Sonia: Deal!


Sonia and Serena made it to the salon and sat down on the chairs. Then a robot walked up to them

Doo Bot: Don't you worry a little aromatherapy will  take care of all your worries! Do you two want an aura massage

Sonia: I want the works!

Serena: no thanks for me. I just want my hair cleaned

Doo Bot: oh I completely understand! Is that everything on your mind?

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