Getting To Know You

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Aleena: Now that Robotnik had identified my children and niece he would not rest until he found them. While Serena must learn to accept her new robotic limbs

Sonic Manic Sonic and Serena were currently in there new hideout until Sonia started screaming

Sonia: AHH!!

Sonic and Manic went to check on her

Sonia: get it away from me!

Sonic: what? What is it?

Sonia: Under the bed! Get it out! Get it out!

Manic: Get what?

Sonic looked under the bed a saw a mouse

Sonic: A mouse? Every force in Robotropolis is on our butts and you're wigging out over a mouse?

Serena walked out of her new workshop covered in dust

Serena: what's going on? I'm trying to work here!

Manic: Sonia's scared of a mouse

Serena: seriously?

Sonia: Wait! Where's the maid? I'd like my breakfast now

Serena: we don't have time!

She took out the map they Oracle gave her and put it on the table

Serena: North through the Marsh of Melador and into the Badlands

Sonia: Oh gross!

Sonic: So where do we wind up?

Serena: Right here in Waslaw

Sonic: Well wherever it is we gotta get outta here and fast!

Sonic gave Manic and Serena a backpack

Sonia: Now? But I can't leave! Not without my matched luggage and some new clothes and-

Sonic: Sorry this is what you get!

He gave Sonia her backpack

Sonia: Does it come in pink?

Serena: Come on we'll use the basement to leave!

Manic: Hey why the speed?

Suddenly a swat bot burst through the wall

Swat bot: Priority one hedgehogs!

The robot started firing its laser blaster

Sonic: Get in the basement middle of hall! I'll hold him off!

the Swatbot smacks sonic against the wall before he could do anything

Sonic: Ow! this is not a good start!

Serena: time to test my first upgrade!

Her robot arm also became a laser blaster

Manic: Whoa! You build that?

Serena: yep! pretty cool right?

Serena shot a laser right at the swat bots head destroying it

Sonic: Nice moves cuz! Now let's grab Sonia and blast outta here!

Sonic Manic and Serena went to see if Sonia was ok

Sonic: Sonia you ok?

Sonia: Not just okay! Thanks to me a bad guy's out of commission

She pointed to the basement door

Sonia: Down there. Isn't that great?

Serena facepalmed with her robot arm by mistake

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