To Catch A Queen And Her Brother

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Aleena: Queen Aleena and David here. Argus a trusted captain of our personal guard was on his way to a secret rendezvous when he was spotted by Robotnik's relentless bounty hunters Sleet and Dingo whose goal as ever is to capture the Queen and her brother

David: but Sonic Manic Sonia and Serena will help him in any way they can

Sonic Manic Sonia and Serena were listening to the speaker in there van

Sleet (on speaker): Attention Swat Bot units! I need a top-priority intercept on Robotnik Road sector 5!

Manic: Must be some big dealings for a top priority intercept!

Serena: nothing I wasn't able to hack into

Sonia was currently reading a magazine

Sonia: Right now finding a gift for my dear Bartleby is my top priority!

Serena: Bleh I don't get romance at all

Sleet (on speaker): Our target is a captain in the Queen's guard! He may have information enabling us to capture Aleena herself! And maybe even her brother David!

Serena: Wait what?!

Manic: Sleet's trying to capture mom and uncle?

Sonic: No way Sleet meat!

Sonia: Sonic! Stop this van immediately!!

Sonic quickly stopped the van

Sonic: Oh but what about Bartleby's gift?

The back door opens and Sonia rides her motorcycle onto the road. Serena used her rocket boots to fly out while manic used his hover board

Sonia: Bartleby can wait but Mother can't! What's keeping you?

Serena: I never would've guessed you were the slowest

Manic: We're waiting!

Sonic: Nice try guys! But that's my line!

Sonic ran passed the three of them

Serena: we may not have super speed but we have our own ways to keep up

Manic: Yeah!

Manic Sonia and Serena followed Sonic to Argus's small air ship

Sonia: let's check for clues

Serena: I'm on it-

Sonic: Already did!

Serena: huh?

Sonia: Oh right. And I suppose you zipped here there faster than the speed of light and-

Sonic shows her Argus's keys and old pictures

Sonic: Got his car keys and license!

He read what was on the license

Sonic: Argus captain of Queen Aleena's and David's personal guard?

Manic: Excellent! A guy like that is bound to know where we can find Mom!

Serena: he could know where my dad is to!

Sonic was also holding two pictures

Sonic: And two ancient photographs of our family!

Sonia grabbed one of the pictures which had Aleena and Sonia Manic and Sonia as baby's

Sonia: oh just look at me! Wasn't I cute?

Manic: Like we all were. I don't really remember her back then but that must be mom

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