Chapter 23:results

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The next day after puppet finished is investigating he was siting on his couch he hasn't been sleeping Puppet's sister walks downstairs ''So did you find his favorite move''Puppet's sister said ''no i didn't find any clues on what his favorite movie is but i did find out he always wanted  to ice skate ''Puppet said ''well thats still good you can use one of your ideas still''Puppet's sister said ''yeah but i feel like doing a movie thing would have been more clear that i liked him''Puppet said ''the present,Sam and the misletoe would make it pretty clear''Puppet's sister said sitting down next to him ''yeah but so much could go wrong like what if he doesn't like the present or ice skating goes wrong or what if i lose the mislotoe''Puppet said stressing now''Its fine as long as we keep it to the plans it will probably work out''Puppet's sister said ''ok i'll trust your judgement''Puppet said 

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