Joy To The World

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Xial Sarabi didn't understand Christmas. The joy,the happiness,the presents, none of it. It was all stupid and useless to her. Was it because she had no one or was it because Christmas didn't mean anything to her? She didn't even know the answer to that. She sat on a rooftop observing everything until she gets a call. She saw that it was Joseph,one of her teammates. "Heyo,can you help me do something?" He asks. She sighs. "Let me guess,you need me to help you get out of the ground again?" Joseph had gotten punched so hard on the top of his head that half his body went into the ground . "Oh no,no,no. It's a kid thing. There are kids who actually asked if both of us can visit them. Issac explained it to me, it's a children's hospital." Xial sighs. "They're probably just asking for you." She says as she stood up. "Nope,surprisingly you and me were the most requested. So you coming of not?" Xial thought now. She sighs not wanting to be a jerk. "Fine. Where am I meeting you at?" She asks as she creates a grappling gun. "At the children's hospital across from the bakery." She nods than hangs up. Xial soon shoots her grappling hook and heads to the hospital. The two meet up at the hospital. Joseph had his helmet on as well. "Now be sweet,kind and thoughtful. They're kids who are sick and they'd like to feel normal for a change." She nods. They soon walk into the place while the kids were one of the play rooms. Joseph and Xial soon open the door. He smiled under his helmet and waved to them. All of the kids began to smile and looked in shock. "Hey my little friends! My friend Bronze Owl came too!"

Xial smiles a bit and waves. They gasped at the sight of her and go towards her. The kids began pulling both of them to some of the areas with the toys. Joseph began playing kitchen with some of the girls while Xial was playing with some of the action figures with the kids. She looked at them curiously. Even growing up she didn't have any toys. She wasn't allowed to. The little boy goes in front of her and grabs the toy. "Have you ever heard of He-Man?" He asks. She shakes her head. "Okay so He-Man is a really strong guy, he always beats Skeletor too." The kid kept talking more and more while Xial paid attention. She's never heard a kid just ramble on and on about the same thing. It was adorable. "I like Skeletor." She says with a smile. The boy smiles too. "I like He-Man most of all." He says. The two heroes played with the children until the kids went to go and watch a Christmas movie before bed. The little boy went to Xial. "I hope you have a Merry Christmas." He hugs her which surprises her. She hugs him back. "You too kiddo." She chuckles lightly. The boy soon let go and walked off. Joseph looks at her. "Fun huh? To see their smiling faces?" He goes to her side. "Yeah.. yeah it was." She smiles a bit at Joseph. "Oh also one more thing we gotta do. Follow me." He says. She rolls her eyes but grins. The two walked out and headed to their headquarters. They walk in and there's a couple of presents on the table. He turns to it and grabs one of them.

He gives it to her. It was large. "This is for you." She looks at it confused. "Joe,you didn't have to." He shook his head. "I did. You're a great person and you deserve this. By the way it's the season of giving." He motions it to her. She sighs then takes it. She puts it on the table and starts unwrapping it. It was the Polar Express. "I'd go up to the human world as a child and look through people's windows and see that. It was a movie but they made a train and you were the first person I thought of." She stares at it and begins to tear up. No one had ever thought of her like this. No one has ever bought her anything like this but he did. Xial turned to him with tears in her eyes and hugged him. "Thank you Joe." He hugs her back. "You're welcome." He smiles as he hugged her back.

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