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Tbh I completely forgot about this fic and was caught up in yet another musical. Buttttt I'm back!

Warnings!: mentions of sex, language

About three months later the morning sickness was hitting me like a train on the track and everyone else started to notice that something was up. We had gone to Josh's place one night after settling into our new home and when I didn't have anything alcoholic, josh had a lot to say.

"I'm confused, you always drink, especially when there's a reason for it? Are you okay? Did you just randomly decide you're sober now and aren't going to drink? I'm honestly kinda concerned for you Addison. Are you on a medication where you can't drink? Are you just not drinking around us anymore? Are you pr- holy fucking shit."

We all sat in silence for a few minutes until Jake started to laugh, Danny and I eventually began to as well, seeing the look on Josh and Sams faces

"Are you guys blind?"

Jake said through laughter


"Sam, that can happen when people get married. And we were going to keep it under wraps for a bit longer but I guess there's no hiding it now"

Danny wrapped his arm around me, smiling wider than I have ever seen before. Sam looked absolutely mortified and Josh was dumbfounded until he finally snapped out of it.

"Holy shit this is amazing for you guys!"

He immediately jumped up and hugged both of us like it was the last time he would see us.

"I-I can't believe this"

"Sam, grow up. Adults have sex that's just what happens"


"Sam. Shut your trap and go splash some cold water on your face"

Jake said as he guided Sam off of the couch and shoved him towards the kitchen. We all began to laugh again and Danny pulled me closer to him, his cheek resting on my head and a hand over my stomach.

"I knew there was a bigger reason as to why you bought the house."

Josh stated, downing more than half of his drink, then looking up at Danny with sorrowful eyes.

"So. What will become of the band? Once, you know. You're a dad?"

Danny looked up and Josh and laughed a bit

"I'll always be here for you guys. I'm staying in the band. Addison I'm sure can handle it while we're on tour."

"I'm fully prepared to be on my own. Whatever you guys want me to do I will."

"Well, what if you came along? We could all pitch in a bit. It'll be good. And it'll feed my baby fever..."

The room erupted in laughter again as Sam came back. He was less angry and somehow more confused as he sat down staring me down.

"Is...is this whole thing a joke?"

"No Sammy. It isn't"

"Ok. Well, I'm happy for you guys....I guess...sorry for overreacting a bit.."

"A bit?"

Everyone laughed again. We stayed until about 12:30, well, that's at least when I woke up. I had fallen asleep at some point on Danny's shoulder and he was carrying me out to the car as I awoke

"Just go back to sleep, honey, I've got you."

He said as he looked down on my half asleep figure. I smiled and held onto him as he carried me the shirt distance to the car and gently placed me in, making sure not to awake me anymore than I already was. The rest of the night was quiet. I walked myself back into the house, barely, and fell fast asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

Angel With Dark Honey Eyes- Danny WagnerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora