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I didn't want the moment to end. Her lips soft on mine, I felt something. Something special. She wasn't like any other girl I've been with, I felt this connection to her, like she was the one. When our lips finally parted we sat there for a minute, staring into each others eyes until I finally said,

"Well that was certainly something new"

She slapped my arm jokingly

"I hope it was a good new?"


We kissed again, but this time, it was short an sweet. She leaned over into my seat, resting her head against my shoulder. As I laid my head on hers she spoke words I'll never forget

"I'm so happy you got the balls to ask me out"

Why I chose to remember that specific quote out of other things she said is still unclear to me. I think it was because afterwards she laughed, actually, genuinely laughed. I had heard it before from her, but it meant so much more to me in that moment.

"Me too"

We both laughed for a bit until some judgmental old lady gave us the death glare. After the movie ended, we went out to dinner, Taco Bell wasn't fancy, but we both wanted tacos and it was really the only place open.

"If you bought me Taco Bell every day for the rest of my life I would appreciate that"

"Well I might do that then"

I responded with a wide grin on my face. She made me feel like I didn't have to hide anything, I could truly be myself around her.

"Well, maybe not every day then, just sometimes"

"I can definitely do that, whatever makes you happy Ads"

"How'd you come up with the nickname Ad's for me?"

She asked, looking mildly concerned

"I don't know, just popped into my head one day I guess"

"I like it"

God she was adorable. I wanted to stay in that moment forever, but then we were at her house. I got out and opened the door to let her out, but left the car running since I would be right back in there, driving half a mile down the road to my place; but she took the keys out of the ignition and casually walked inside

"You know I need those to go home, right?"

"My mom isn't going to be here tonight, stay over!"

She yelled from the door, I hesitated, but who was I to say no to a night alone with my girlfriend. I had been The her house many times, but the atmosphere was so much different without the Kiszka's running around like headless chickens in there.

"It's so quiet in here"

"Yeah, it's quite peaceful without the three idiots running around"

She laughed that adorable laugh she has. I cant stop thinking about it. The way her eyes glow when she laughs, the way her mouth curls perfectly into a slight smile that warms your heart. I love her. She walked over to the record player sitting by the couch and puts on "Revolver" by The Beatles. She sang along to the first song, I didn't know she could sing like that. Her tone is gorgeous and smooth. Why didn't she tell me?

"I didn't know you could sing?"

"Oh...yeah. Didn't wanna take anything away from Josh so I never told anyone."

That's another thing I love about her. She gives up things she loves, so other people can enjoy them. She's always loved music, everyone knew that, but nobody would ever guess she loved it this much.

"Are you okay?"

I must have zoned out because she looked concerned when I turned my head to look at her

"Yeah, just lost in thought I guess"

The record continued and she laid her head on my shoulder. She ended up falling asleep  right before the first side of the vinyl stopped. I sneakily got up to flip it and then I got back on the couch and she repositioned her head back onto my shoulder. I had the end of the couch that you could kinda lay on, so I kicked back and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly she moved her head from my shoulder to my chest. I smiled while watching her attempt to get comfortable, I moved my arm from under her to make it easier. When she finally found the right way for her head to lay, I put my arm around her. She fit perfectly in my arms, almost like she was destined to be there.

Angel With Dark Honey Eyes- Danny WagnerWhere stories live. Discover now