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Note from Author: I might have lied about the smut, I won't write it directly, but it will probably be mentioned throughout the story.
TW: implied smut

The night went by slowly. Addison got up every once in a while to make sure Jake and Josh were still alive or to dance with Sam playfully as they always had. I sat on the couch almost the entire time, watching Addison and studying her features. I had never noticed that she had quite a few moles on her neck, but after noticing them, it could only make her more sexy. I eventually decided to get up and dance with her to "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen. She always talked about how the song reminded her of me, so it only felt right. She sang along to all the words while I laughed and held her hands. She looked so amazing, spinning around and occasionally falling into my arms, expecting me to catch her.

"How did I never realize just how amazing you look tonight?"

I said shyly after the song was over.

"I don't know, especially since Jake has been flirting with me all night."


I looked back at Jake who was eyeing her down and as soon as I was ready to go and punch him, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel her breath tickling my neck.

"It's okay, Honey he didn't do anything"

I looked her in the eyes and kissed her. I don't know if she knew what she did to me, but from the way she kissed me, she was either clueless, or knew everything. I pulled away from her, but as soon as I did, she pulled herself closer to me and kissed me right back.

"Don't be mad at him, please"

""I won't be if you don't want me to"

"Thank you, hun"

"You're Never gonna give it a rest, are you, princess?"

"If it makes you stop calling me 'princess' I'll think about it"

"Hm. Deal."

She grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for one last kiss before walking away. Sam had been glaring at me the whole time, but I didn't think much of it. He would have to get used to seeing me and Addison showing affection to each other anyways.

"Do you have to do that right in front of me?"

Sam said, annoyed

"Sam, get used to it"

"I don't think I can...it's....nasty. That's our best friend!"

"Yeah, and my girlfriend"


I laughed and walked towards the kitchen, where I grabbed a water bottle off the counter, took a sip, and spit it out seconds later


I coughed as Addison walked back in

"Oh no"

She laughed

"Anyways, the twins are out cold, Sam, their in your room. They were having some.....uh....private time...."


Sam yelled, I just sat, mouth open, I didn't want to think about what she saw when she walked into the room to check on the twins

"Sam, you could crash at my place, I'm going to Danny's tonight...I mean, if that's okay with him"

She looked at me, blushing, assuming that she had to ask after we had been off and on.

"You know it's okay with me, baby"

"Ew, anyways, that option is open"

"I was wondering if I could crash at Danny's, I mean, if he's fine with it"

"Yeah, but you gotta take the couch, man"

"I'm okay with that, as long as I don't have to stay in this house with those two upstairs"

All three of us laughed as I grabbed the water bottle that was filled with vodka

"Daniel, are you really taking that?"

"My parents aren't home, I'm gonna get wasted, I don't know about you two though"

"I'm in"

Sam said, looking at me grabbing a half empty bottle

"I'm already halfway there"

"This might be fun"

Addison said, grabbing another bottle off the counter, taking a sip.

"Let's go before we all get drunk"

I suggested. We drove off after a few minutes, and then we were at my place. The night was filled with drinking, making out, and dancing. When me and Addison woke up the next morning, we were cuddled up to each other, as always, but as I got up to change my clothes, I had realized the ones from last night were on the floor, and so were hers. I looked at myself, then looked at her. We were both staring at each other, wide eyed, as we ran for our clothes.

Angel With Dark Honey Eyes- Danny WagnerWhere stories live. Discover now