Chapter Twenty Six

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Yibo got up and stared at Zhan. Zhan's hair is messy, he is like a lost child. Yibo raised his hand to hold Zhan and bring him to his chest. But his hand froze in mid-air. Zhan doesn't need comfort from him. He is used to it. His face is grim as thoughts of men who had made love to Zhan filled his mind. He stood up disgustedly and walked towards the door.

"I'll wait for you downstairs," Yibo said coldly. He continued to leave the room. In his own room, he drowned himself in a strong shower, splitting himself at the same time. What happened to him? He behaved like a sex maniac. Desire, hot and rampant filled him when he entered Zhan's room and saw him wearing only her undies and shirt. Yibo had a feeling he would explode if he couldn't touch Zhan, kiss Zhan, and feel Zhan. And by God, he didn't want to stop. He tries to remember if there was an event in his life where he behaved like this to anyone. 

No. It never happened to him. He had never lost control as he did moments ago when his whole being had been under the carnal rule and to hell with all else.


They were on their way when Yibo spoke. "I couldn't believe my mother bought that for you," Yibo said disgustedly as he looked at him.

Zhan burst out laughing. "We both know why. Your mother hates me. And she doesn't want me to get attention tonight."

Zhan was right. And Yibo couldn't contain his grin. His eyes moved down his body. Despite everything, Zhan is still gorgeous. He could wear a sack and he would still look gorgeous on it. A sudden recollection of what happened in Zhan's room made his maleness throb.

Yibo silently muttered a curse. Mercedes sports out at the gate of the subdivision."Yibo..."

"What!" Yibo said crossly. Zhan turned and frowned when Yibo noticed something. He braked lightly and swerved off the road, staring at Zhan intently. "What happened to your lips?"

Zhan almost rolled his eyes. The man had the gall to ask. "Cockroaches..." he answered fatly.

"Couldn't you have covered it with makeup?"

"It is covered with makeup."

Yibo gave a litany of unprintable oaths. "You don't deserve gentleness, Zhan. I don't know what you have, you seemed to bring out the beast in me. But believe me, I never meant to hurt you."

"Yeah," Zhan breathed as he smiled sadly. You don't deserve gentleness... That cut deeply. "But don't passion and violence go hand in hand in some cases?"

"And you have countless experiences that testify to what you said," Yibo said grimly. He didn't dignify it with an answer. Instead, "Promise me, Yibo, that no matter what Zhuocheng reacts the moment he sees me you won't ruin the business he's planning."

He saw the movement of the muscles in Yibo's face. "He will never get a chance to speak to you privately, Zhan. I assure you of that."

Zhan nodded absently. Continued to say. "This opening of his importation business is important to Zhuocheng. He wants to prove to Ziyi's family... to you that he deserves to be her husband. And within six months if everything proved to be working smoothly, and he'd get another contract, Zhuocheng promised his mother a tour around the world. She deserved that after..." After what my father had done to her.

"How noble," Yibo said with a smirk.

"It was your idea that I come to the party with you!" Zhan said irritated. "We don't need to meet. You see, I am keeping my part of the bargain."

"My god, you would go as far as prostituting yourself to me, wouldn't you?" Yibo said cruelly.

"That's unfair," Zhan whispered. "You initiated it all."

"Yes, damn it! But you did more than just respond! You can make a man lose his head, Zhan. If only for that, I want to forgive Zhuocheng for that."

"I don't know what you are so angry about. Since we met at Chengpeng's party you took advantage of me. I accepted all the insults and hurtful words when you had no right to say that to me. And I obeyed you for whatever you want to happen. And yes," Zhan added the last sentence tauntingly, "I'll prostitute myself for Zhuocheng."

Yibo didn't answer. His chest heaved with anger. Pressing the foot on the accelerator. The car went fast, and Zhan suddenly grabbed the seat belt and fastened it on himself.

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