Chapter Twelve

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Yibo gently closed the door. He expected his guest to be awake because it was past eleven in the morning. But Zhan is still asleep and was lying on his pillow-yes, Yibo's pillow. Yibo had put his own shirt on Zhan earlier this morning and it barely went past his hips.

Zhan probably had tossed his sheet during the night, which caused his body to be exposed.

The view was so alluring, Yibo could feel the stirring of his loins-again! He had seen a considerable number of naked women's bodies in his entire life. And Zhan's a boy for that matter and he must not affect him. But for Pete's sake Zhan did!

When he laid Zhan's unconscious body on the bed inside the cabin earlier, he couldn't stop the surge of desire as he looked at his naked body.

Zhan's chest was as he remembered them five nights ago. And as his eyes lowered, the desire he felt gradually deepened. Zhan had a narrow waist, which he could probably grasp with both hands, and tender and rounded hips.

With difficulty on Yibo's part, his eyes moved down to his long legs... long and slim with tiny delicate ankles and, surprisingly -- pretty pink feet.

Yibo took a violent breath, as he realized what was happening to him. The desire was too strong, that he felt like someone punched him in the stomach. And to think that he hated Zhan.

Meng Ziyi's life was ruined because of him. After the scandal that happened in New York, Ziyi became addicted to drugs. Work is neglected. For four months she stayed in a rehabilitation center in New York.

Every time he visits his cousin in rehab, he never once thinks of crushing Zhan who is responsible for ruining her life.

And recently, more than two years have passed since the scandal happened, they accidentally met at the party of a friend. And he thanked Zhao Liying for making a way to avoid being introduced to him by Chengpeng. Zhao Liying harbors a grudge against him when Xiao Zhan refuses to do an interview.

He saw Zhan when he arrived at the party. Zhan was among those who arrived first, which surprised Yibo. He expected Zhan to be the last to come, like a celebrity that he was. All attention was focused on his arrival at the party. Zhan dominates the crowd. Tall and statuesque. Zhan moved with elegance, unlike the other model present.

The models envied him to the point of hatred. Yibo saw it in their eyes. Saw it in Zhao Liying's eyes too. And some of the men's eyes is admiration... and desire. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he is one of them.

It's true that he couldn't help but follow Zhan's every gesture and movement. Zhan came with his lover that night and yet it didn't stop him from flirting with another man.

And to Councilor Zhao!

They had decided to go home early that night despite Zhao Liying's objections. Yibo was looking for Chengpeng to say goodbye when he accidentally bumped into Zhan on his way out to the garden.

He should not have protected him from the camera of cruel photographers. He didn't care if his picture appeared in the newspaper the next day, almost naked because of the alcohol spilled on his thin clothes. He was a vamp, anyway.

But when Yibo saw Zhan's exposed chest... when he thought of the scandal the media could make out of it, a protective instinct-which he didn't know where it came from, because he was supposed to be hating him-suddenly filled him.

How his desire to cover Zhan from the cameras ended up in a kiss was beyond his understanding. For hours that night, that kiss disturbed his thoughts. And when he decided that he had nothing to do with Zhan, Ziyi announced her news that again involved this man. And when he almost went crazy thinking how he could get Zhan out of his cousin's path, here he was, in his own room, in his own bed, wearing his own shirt.

Yibo took a deep breath and quickly returned his eyes to Zhan face... a face of a temptress.

Yes. Xiao Zhan The Temptress. That's what the media calls him. A man with no morals. Yibo's eyes moved down to Zhan's famous lips. It was slightly parted, and Yibo saw the mole under his lower lip. Yibo drew a harsh breath. He didn't like the feeling at that moment. The memory of the kiss he gave Zhan in the garden suddenly came up in his mind. On many occasions Yibo stares and studies Zhan's face in glossy magazines, hating him at the same time.

Zhan looked like a helpless child now. But he knew better than to be fooled by his innocent look. Meng Ziyi's happiness was again threatened by this man. His jaw clenched as he stared at the sleeping Zhan.

"Come inside," Ziyi invited him. "I'll show you my boyfriend's picture. It was taken when we met. And would you believe, he lives in Chongqing! Isn't it great, Yibo?"

Yibo indulged her. And that's how shocked and angry he was when he saw the picture of Ziyi's boyfriend. Zhan's escort-lover that night at Chengpeng's party!

And now, he was given the chance to save Ziyi's life from being ruined again.

Even so, he couldn't help but wonder about what happened to Zhan. Where did he come from and why did he appear on his yacht naked? Yibo was sure that he could only come from one of the yachts he could see in the sea. Yibo shook his head. Step slowly towards the bed.

He saw Zhan stirred, he must have felt his presence. Then he woke up with a start. His eyes wide as a saucer as he looked around him.

"Good morning," Yibo greeted.

Zhan turned violently. And when he saw him, he suddenly got up and sat in the middle of the bed. He barely noticed Zhan grimacing. His hands grasping the lapel of his shirt as if it were his lifeline. Yes, his shirt. My god, it looked good and sexy on Zhan.

His hair dishevelled. His face devoid of makeup. This was the real Xiao Zhan, the supermodel. And he shouldn't that look good and attractive early in the morning. But he was damn gorgeous!

When their eyes met, he saw the fear that filled Zhan's eyes. Then he looked down reluctantly... as if he was feeling his own body.

Does Zhan think he exploited him while he was unconscious?

"I don't remember I exploit someone in my whole life. Especially unconscious one. And it isn't like you have an impeachable virtue," Yibo said drily and walked towards the bed. He placed the tray on top of the night table.

Zhan eyes darted to him. "W-what happened?" Zhan asked hoarsely. He seemed to jump off the bed any time if he will act against him. Damn Zhan for acting like a scared virgin!

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask that?" Yibo said, his brows raised mockingly. "From nowhere you climbed on the deck of my yacht. And with nothing on but seaweeds and seawater. Is it a new trend in fashion today?"

Zhan's face reddened and Yibo was stunned. He couldn't believe that one could blush the way Zhan did. Not this particular onw anyway. He was a vamp, for goodness' sake! Zhan removed his hands from holding the oversized shirt. After wincing.

"Something's wrong?" Yibo asked unemotionally.

"I-I ache all over..."

Yibo lips twitched upward in a dry smile. "You must have swam a mile. That's why your body hurts. You probably swam from one of the yachts around The Port of Tianjin to my yacht." Yibo stared at Zhan, his eyes quizzical. "You swam naked, and at dawn? Did you play hide and seek in the water with your-lover, and you got lost?"

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