Chapter Eleven

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Yibo checks the time on the watch on his arm. Three o'clock in the morning. It had been almost an hour since the ferry had dropped Zhao Lliying off. He was tired and yet sleep deserted him. From the cabin, he went down to the lower deck to get some sleep. He orders one of his staff to tell the captain of the yacht that they will sail home to Gusu Island.

His meeting with the staff at the distillery is tomorrow afternoon. This morning he had a meeting with the board of directors of WJC. Or technically, it was yesterday morning, because it's already morning. Then the party on his yacht that started at half past eight last night. Lord, he was tired he wanted to sleep for a week.

"Did you really say we were going to sail home to Gusu Land?" asked He Peng from the stairs, the captain of the yacht.

"Yeah. Let's set sail now. Asides the meeting with the staff tomorrow and the supervisors the next day, there are agents coming to the distillery on Friday."

"What about Meng Ziyi's birthday party on Saturday?" Yibo was stunned for a moment. That would be three days from now. He didn't want to think about Ziyi until he was able to solve the new problem she will be facing. Yibo let out a deep breath as his jaw clenched.

Yibo couldn't promise to spare his Aunt Enjie if she will show her aristocrat side. And he didn't want to ruin that night for Ziyi. His cousin didn't even have the slightest idea that her newfound happiness might not last long. And Yibo wished he could do something to prevent her getting hurt all over again. He Peng remained silent waiting for his answer.

"I can't decide if I'll attend Ziyi's party. Anyway, I can use a chopper."

He Peng nodded and went back upstairs to the engine room. Yibo leaned his body and was about to close his eyes when in his peripheral vision he saw the rope ladder hanging outside the yacht move.

Absentmindedly he stared at the rope ladder. It's not windy enough to move. And the yacht's engine is still not running.

He would have closed his eyes and was hoping to get even a moment of sleep when his eyes widened at what he saw on the railings of the yacht. There was a hand clinging to it... and then another hand followed!

Following the hands that are tightly holding on to the railing is the head. Then a body emerged. Where it came from Yibo didn't know. He must be too tired and what he was seeing was a product of his tired mind. They are in the middle of nowhere. More or less two thousand yards from The Port Tianjin.

But the image was there on his deck. A man!

Yes, Yibo couldn't mistake him for anyhing else. A man climbed up on his yacht wearing nothing but... sea water dripping all over his body!

Absentmindedly Yibo stood up and stepped closer to the image in front of him. He wanted to believe that the image was just a product of his haunted mind if it wasn't for the wonder and fear in his eyes. His eyes almost occupied his face, and he stood there like a sculptured statue.

Yibo drew in his breath, blinked twice. "Xiao Zhan?" Yibo wasn't sure if the words came out of his throat. But he couldn't be mistaken. He couldn't mistake Zhan's for others. And before he could say his name again, the unexpected guest collapse. He was therein time to catch Zhan's head from hitting the floor deck.

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