Chapter Twenty Five

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The room that was given to him was huge and a picture of elegance and luxury. It was wallpapered in soft beige. Two paintings are hanging on one side of the wall. The painter was unrecognizable, but the artist in him noticed the work of art and for a moment he wished he could paint nearly as good.

After a few moments of staring and examining the painting, his eyes dropped to the suede sofas and the expensive rug below the floor.

When his eyes landed on the queen-size brass bed, the fatigue and sleepiness he felt earlier in the drawing room immediately returned. Ever since he arrived at the lighthouse, he hadn't had a good night's sleep. He wants to take a nap for at least half an hour.

He took his jeans off leaving only his T-shirt and undies. He let them fall to the floor. Then dived into the bed and landed on the big, soft pillow. He was too tired he had fallen asleep in seconds.

A soft knock on the door startled him. And before he had a chance to get up the door opened and Yibo entered. He got up and grabbed a blanket to cover his body but there was no blanket on the bed. He tried the pillow."Don't bother, Zhan," said Yibo. "I saw all that, remember?" Yibo stepped closer.

Zhan was stunned for a moment. And when he registered in his mind what Yibo said, he lowered the pillow. "On the contrary, you're right. And since I'm just your guest in your house, I have no right to a piece of privacy," Zhan said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. Stand up, tilting his head proudly.

Yibo stared at him as if in a trance. Barefooted, he stepped towards where the jeans were. His hair was messed up. Then Yibo's eyes slid down his body. His nipples were outlined on the crumpled T-shirt. The T-shirt barely reached the garter of his undies. And Yibo had a full view of legs that were as long as endless as he had remembered.

"I knocked many times," Yibo answered, swallowing an imaginary lump. "And when you didn't open the door I decided to go in. It's six at night and—"

"Six!" Zhan looked at the clock next to the lampshade and groaned when he saw that Yibo was right. He slept for almost four hours.

"I... I didn't mean to sleep that long," Zhan said, feeling a little bit guilty.

"It's okay. In the past two nights, we both didn't get much sleep."

Zhan bent on the blue jeans and was about to pick them up when Yibo speak again.

"Leave it," Yibo ordered. "Here..." He dropped two shopping bags with the logo of an expensive brand on the bed.

He frowned. "What's that?" Zhan asked.

"This is yours. I had this bought for you. I called Mom at the salon earlier and she bought it. This one bag is three sizes of shoes. Pick something that fits you. I'll bring you to the party tonight."

"Wha-what!" Zhan eyes widened as we straightened him. "You'll bring me to the party?"

"And you have one hour to get ready." Yibo pointed to the built-in dressing table. "The makeup there is complete. Push the mirror and behind were shelves filled with perfumes. Wear anything you fancy." After saying that, Yibo turned around to go out. But before he could step towards the door, Zhan's hand was already on his arm. "Wait a minute!"

When Yibo faced him, they almost collided. Zhan took a step back and let go of Yibo's arm. "Did I hear right? You're taking me to Ziyi's party?" Yibo nodded. His eyes were on him. "I thought you wanted me to stay away from Zhuocheng. And what about Ziyi if she sees me at her party?" My god, as much as she wanted to see and talk to Zhuocheng, he couldn't ruin the two's party because of his presence.

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