"Okay, Min-su," I drop my fork, "why don't you like me?"

"Who said I don't like you?" She leans back, disinterested but irritated.

"You don't have to say it; your attitude screams it. Since you laid eyes on me, you've been indifferent and annoyed with my presence."

She stays silent, scanning nearby tables. "If I were annoyed, you wouldn't be sitting here."

"So what's with the attitude?" I can't fathom her confusing behavior.

"Meet me at IKEA." She abruptly stands, slams the bill on the table, grabs her purse, and storms out.

"What the heck?" I wipe my mouth and follow her outside.

She halts a taxi and orders me to get in, and I comply silently. The ride back is tense and uncomfortable; Min-su angrily chats on her phone, probably badmouthing me to her friends.


The weekend sailed by smoothly, despite Min-su shooting me occasional glares. Overall, the group was getting along well.

Mariah and I have been bonding, attempting to grasp the basics of Korean. My proficiency is limited to basic questions and responses.

Chloe remains reserved, but she's making an effort to socialize. Eliška, our unofficial group mother, keeps everything organized. We discovered that Chloe is 19, making Min-su the youngest at 18.

On Monday morning, a vehicle arrives to take us to the company. There, we meet Mr. Yang, who leads us to an office where Mr. Kang, the recruiting director, awaits at the head of the table. "Take your seats," he instructs.

As we settle in, Mariah shoots me a nervous glance, and I shyly smile back.

"We're expecting someone shortly," Mr. Yang informs us, taking a seat beside Mr. Kang.

Moments later, Park Jin-young, JYP himself, graces us with his presence. We all stand and bow in greeting.
"Please take your seats," he gestures, settling at the opposite end of the table. "How are you girls doing? Do you like your new residence?"

"We do, sir," Luana responds on behalf of all of us.

"That's good to hear. I'm very excited to see you all today. You all look very beautiful, by the way."

In unison, we express our gratitude with a chorus of "thank yous."

"Today, we're here to discuss your team, contracts, and an upcoming orientation. When I shared the idea with Mr. Kang, despite initial skepticism, I believe your group could be JYPE's hope. " He clasps his hands on the table. We all listen closely.
"Your group stands to become JYPE's inaugural international girl group, embodying diversity with members representing every continent. Imagine talent from across the globe converging into a single entity under a Korean record label. You won't be confined to the Kpop genre but recognized as a versatile group within the industry. Any questions so far?"

Chloe timidly raises her hand.

"Yes Chloe " we all stare at each other in shock. He knows us individually?

"Um you said a member from each continent..."

"Yes" he nods

"Well aren't there seven continents? I see only 6 of us."

"Ah, Antarctica, the exception without countries," he says with a smile directed at her.

"Really?" Luana asks

"I had no idea" Mariah comments

"Yes so because of that you'll have only six lovely members. I hope you guys are getting along well " Mr Kang asks

"Yes" we all lie together.

Min-su only gets along with Eliška and Mariah.

The meeting drags on for another two hours discussing the contract in depth.

According to them, we won't be training with other trainees cause we're special. I'm blushing. Anyway, we'll be learning under different teachers and trainers but we'll still join general lunch in the cafeteria and some other general trainee activities.

After the tiring meeting, all of us head to the cafeteria for some food. We would be given our schedules later today.

The cafeteria is noisy with people talking at the same time. We get our food and find an empty table to sit at.

"Wow that meeting was alot to digest. " Luana says

"Right? So much information" Eliška agrees.

"Well, when we get the contract it would be easier to understand"I say

"Oh my gosh , Ana." Mariah has been calling me Ana since Saturday. She said my name is too long. "Guess who's sitting some tables away from us?"

"Who?" I turn around and start searching.

"Is that seungmin from straykids?" Chloe asks with her eyes wide in shock

"He's the one. I can't believe we're breathing the same air" Luana does a dramatic faint.

I roll my eyes at her "what do we do now?"

"We continue eating like normal people. This is JYPE, Of course we were bound to see them sooner or later." Min-su the mood killer strikes again

"Can you ever be happy?" Luana asks her

Min-su puts in her airpods and plays some music.

I see Luana mutter some pretty words at her.

"Oh goodness, he's coming this way" Eliška hits my arm.

"I don't care, I'm talking to him" Mariah says

As Seungmin walks by us Mariah waves at him "hello Seungmin"

He stops by our table "hello" he sends a mischievous look at her "do I know you?"

"Nope" she cheekily replies

"Okay" he smirks at her "enjoy your food. Have a great day. Bye ladies" he does his cute dorky wave at us and walks away

"Bye seungmin" we chorus

"Oh my gosh" Mariah starts fanning herself while hyperventilating " I just talked to my idol and he replied. We had a conversation"

"It was just a few words" Chloe tells her

"Still a conversation" Mariah suddenly face palms. "I'm a fool"

She pulls out some photo cards of all skz members " I should have asked for an autograph " she turns around looking for him "have you seen him"

"He's over there" Eliška points at his retreating figure close to the door.

Mariah takes his photo card and a pen as she runs towards him.

I shake my head "peak fan behaviour"


Straychicken ^⁠_⁠^

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Straychicken ^⁠_⁠^

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