
Namjoon and hobi went to their base early this morning Jungkook and jimin went to airport bcz they got argent call from their spies about special weapons ( its jimin work but jk accompanied him ) , Jin went to hospital bcz he got a call from his friend that an emergency broke in and they need him immediately in hospital.

Now only TAEHYUNG was left with Yoongi.

Tae received messages from all his hyungs telling him to take care of yoongi and make him to take a nap Jin texted him about yoongi's daily requirements and routine. Tae was really tired of his hyungs extreme possessive nature he told them that he can take care of yoongi all himself and doesn't need any more advices He also told his hyungs that he will take yoongi with him to their office he can't leave yoongi all alone at home. They all agreed some how.

Time skip ⏭


Taehyung woke yoongi up he was all grumpy bcz he is not a morning person. He whined when taehyung told him to get fresh and wear clothes he picked for him.

Yoongi pouted and made grabby hands towards taehyung asking him to pick him up. Taehyung sighed "you are soo spoiled Yoonie". Then he picked yoongi. Yoongi immediately rested his face on taehyung's shoulder he was all sleepy. Taehyung changed his clothes carefully not to wake the grumpy, whiny cat again.

Yoongi was sleeping on his shoulder taehyung went to his car.

Taehyung ordered his driver to head to their office while he sat on the backseat with  sleeping yoongi in his lap

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Taehyung ordered his driver to head to their office while he sat on the backseat with  sleeping yoongi in his lap. Yoongi's head rested on taehyung's chest.

Time skip ........

The car stopped by the entrance of a massive huge building. It was Kim enterprises Company.    


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