He grinned at her surprise. "How could I possibly forget? It was a very memorable conversation. Never had I enjoyed a putdown more than that day. I think I must have fallen a little in love with you at that moment." The moment he uttered the words, he realised it was the truth of it. He just hadn't realised it until now, hadn't realised that his obsession of her hadn't cease because she'd captured his mind as much as his heart.

She broke their gaze first. "Well," she fidgeted in her seat and cleared her throat. He delighted in her discomfort at the talk of love and endeavoured to do it at every opportunity he had. "Shall we get on with the race then? Shall I set the route or will you?"

"Do you have one in mind? No? Allow me then." He directed his horse off the designated path and she followed suit. He led them to a slightly more deserted area of the park.

"Where are we? I've never been before."

"It might be somewhere around the Cumberland Gate. It is secluded enough that we won't be in any danger of meeting anyone walking or riding." He gestured to the cluster of trees in the far distance. "Shall we ride from here to there?"

"On the count of three?" At his nod, she began. "One...two..." Before she finished, she had her mount into a gallop.

Laughing at her audacity, he set off after her, the thundering of the hooves breaking the morning quiet.

"I believe I won this round, Frederica." Garrett threw her a triumphant grin.

"Yes, it would seem so." Her chest rose and fell in quick succession, as if she'd exerted much strength in this competition. She tried to fan herself with her hand while holding the reins of her horse, but the mare was having none of it, tossing her head here and there as she went on in restlessly. "Woah. Steady now."

"I think the old girl needs a bit of rest. Here, let me help you dismount." Garrett slid off his mount and walked over to help Frederica down. But she managed without his help.

As her horse wandered off to graze alongside his gelding, she clasped her gloved hands together. "Will you collect your prize now, my lord?"

"Garrett. My first wish is that my name grace your lips whenever it is the two of us."

"For how long?"

"For as long as we both shall live."

"That is too long a duration!"

He lifted his shoulders. "There was no condition or stipulation placed upon these favours. It is to be determined by the victor. And I wish it as such."

"But...but your future wife will not like this intimacy you've granted me."

"As my future wife, you will object to this?" He clutched his chest dramatically. "You wound me, Frederica."

"I have not consented-"

He held up his hand at her protest. "I'm aware of your reservations. Let us not talk of this at this moment."

She looked to defy him but after a breath or two, she relented. "Very well, my...Garrett."

"My Garrett does sound quite nice." He stroked his chin in mock thoughtfulness. "Maybe I should have insisted upon it instead."

She let out an exasperated breath but her smile warmed him. "You, sir, are incorrigible. What is your second wish then?"

"A kiss from you."

Her eyes grew wide. "Here? At this very moment? For all the world to see?"

Opening his arms wide, he gestured, "There is no one about. We might as well be the very last two people in existence." She bit her lip. "The Frederica I know wouldn't have hesitated to scandalise me."

Deceiving the ViscountWhere stories live. Discover now