"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Frederica scowled at the toothy grin Julia flashed her. "I simply cannot bring myself to discuss what'd transpired between the two of us with you. It would be...unseemly."

"Unseemly because it involves sexual relations between a man and woman?" At Frederica's stony silence, Julia giggled and clapped her hands. "It worked! Oh, I can't tell you how pleased I am for you, Frederica!"

"What worked?" At the woman's horrified and guilty look, Frederica narrowed her eyes. "Did you conspire with him, Julia?" Fury turned her words into a near growl.

Her visitor shook her head vigorously. "Never! Lord Healey was unaware of my plan! I only told Shearing, and that was because having his assistance would ensure I wouldn't be unnecessarily thwarted."

"And what did you plan to happen, Julia?"

"Only that the two of you might have the opportunity to resolve the unrequited love you feel for each other."

"Oh, Julia." Frederica couldn't keep her ire in the face of Julia's earnest innocence. "It did nothing of that sort. There are too many insurmountable barriers between Healey and I."

"I-I don't understand. What barriers could there possibly be?"

"I won't explain myself. You only need know that a union between Healey and I is nigh impossible." She reached over to pat Julia's clenched hands. "Thank you for trying."

"No!" Julia captured Frederica's hand in hers. "Tell me. Please." She turned pleading. "I wish for your happiness, Frederica. Surely a marriage with the man you love will result in that."

Frederica shook her head gently. "He is a viscount and I'm a widowed navy lieutenant's wife. The ton will not like it. They will think me reaching beyond my means and refuse to acknowledge me. And he needs their support to achieve what he hopes to achieve in Parliament."

"But you are still gentry! Your connection to Sir John's baronetcy is-"

"Tenuous at best. I'm a distant relation."


"No more, Julia." Frederica's firm tone and gaze brooked no quarter. "Let us end this discussion here. There shall be no more attempts on your part to interfere in this business. Promise me."

At Julia's reluctant agreement, Frederica smiled. "Thank you. Well, enough of this gloom. Let us talk of happier things."

Julia departed from Frederica's house in a mood. As she set off for home in the carriage, she mulled over the other woman's words. Frederica had made her background sound like a death blow to Healey's political ambitions. Was it really that dire? Did Healey not possess any power of his own that marriage to someone not of their set would immediately result in his inability to achieve his goals? Surely not. But she could only be certain if she asked him about this. She'd write him a note when she returned home.

Her mind occupied planing what she might say to him to convince him to support her cause, she hadn't realised she'd arrived at her house. The carriage door opened and the steps unfolded. As she made to descend, her fingers were gripped in an unexpectedly firm hold, very unlike that of a footman's. Her gaze flew up to meet familiar green and brown orbs. "Shearing!" Startled, she stumbled and would have fallen had he not managed to catch her but she ended up plastered against him for all the world to see.

They must have stood like this for nary a heartbeat yet she felt she'd lived a lifetime while looking into his eyes. "Julia," her name a whisper on his lips and her world upended.

Belatedly realising she was still in his embrace, she hurriedly pushed herself away from him. She pulled at her dress and quickly entered the house, silently berating herself for her clumsiness while her insides churned and flipped around like acrobats performing for an audience. What was wrong with her?

Deceiving the ViscountOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara