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Well, up until like, last year I would always mix up amnesia and anesthesia, (don't act like you never did) and this is how Sam deals with the anesthesia. Wattpad's STILL being a jerk, which is why this isn't bold. Sigh.

WHY are there TUBES in my THROAT. I tried to take them out and some lady freaked.
"No, Sam, I'll take them out. They're just for breathing."
Breathing?!?!? Why would I need help breathing? Where the chiz am I?!?!
A pretty brunette looked at me all concerned.
"Sam, it's okay. They said confusion is normal. Looks like you're going through a lot of different stages of the side effects."
"Sure. Mind telling me your name?"
"C..Carly. Don't you remember me?"
"It's okay," said a lady in a completely white outfit. Gurl, no. (Not a typo.) "She should remember you soon. Should."
She is NOT helpful.
Freddie looked at me.
"Do you remember me?"
"Yeah, Fredbag, why wouldn't I? Where the hell am I?!?! Why did that lady have to take tubes out of my throat? Why is my head so fuzzy? Why are there Katy Perry songs stuck in my head? Oh hey Carls, when'd you get here?"
"I can answer most of those questions," Freddie said, "But it looks like to me you're remembering some stuff."
I nodded.
"Hungry?" Spencer smiled.
"Um, no. Please don't mention food right now. I'm tired. And cold. And throwy-uppy."
"Sure." The hospital lady said. "That's a word now. And chiz. Let's just go with that."
"Shut up, if she doesn't want to eat she's really sick!" Freddie shouted.
"You shut up!"
Hmm... I think I've created a monster. Maybe I should soften up a little bit... Soft serve... Mmm
Well, I feel bad for whoever has to clean that. Who turned the heat down?
Everyone looked at me.
"Oh my gosh she's cold!" Carly shouted.
"What do we do?!?!" Spencer also shouted, looking helpless.
"Why us?!?!?" Freddie shouted.
"SHUT UP AND I'LL GET HER SOME BLANKETS!" Said the now angrier lady.

When she came back with blankets and an angry face, she told us she was sending someone else in to help. Anyone but that cheery anesthesiologist. She was a master at optimistic pessimism. Ooh, this time it was a blonde. She'll be nice. The new one carefully placed the blankets over me, but I was still shivering. Without even thinking about it, Carly sat next to me on the bed and wrapped her arms around me. Freddie and Spencer just stood helplessly off to the side.

"You may sit down." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "Make yourself at home."

They nervously sat down, and my stomach decided to start dying miserably.


They all looked at me, but I decided I didn't care.

"The medicine must be wearing off. It only lasts a couple of hours." said Mrs. Lady.

"What brand?" Freddie the nerdface asked.

(Author's note. I searched for like half an hour, but I can't find any painkillers for appendicitis, so I made my own! I have my own name for it (: isn't that awesome? Shut up about the name, it's harder then you think.)

"Zaryn. This will be your first dose, Samantha, let's see how you react!" I feel like a lab rat.

"Any allergies?" She asked.

"Well, I-" The second I opened my mouth, she stuck a pill in.

I choked for a second, but I swallowed.

"It will take about 30 minutes to kick in," She said, much to my disdain, "And then you'll be pretty tired. And dizzy. And, as you like to say it according to Mrs. Rosa, throwy-uppy."

Okay then. Only thirty minutes of increasing pain. Shouldn't be too hard.



I was only about fifteen minutes in, and my stomach area had decided to get worse before getting better. This freaking HURT. I decided to try to get some sleep.


When I woke up, I was FREEZING. This was even worse then before. I turned and pressed myself into the one of the only sources of heat I had. HOLY CRAP IT'S A BODY. Oh, thank god. It's alive. It's... Carly? Oh, yeah, that makes sense now.

OH MY GOSH ANOTHER BODY. Oh okay, it's Fredwar- FREDWARD? FREDDIE? I just, this is, I, my stomach's getting worse.

"Carly." I whispered. It looked late out. She was asleep.

"Yeah?" Freddie asked, which surprised me, I didn't think he was up.

"I... need to throw up."

He quickly grabbed the throw-up bucket, I'm naming it Bleh the Bucket, and I did my stuff. Once he put Bleh back I decided to bombard him with questions.

"Why are you up, and not Carly? Why are you LAYING NEXT TO ME? What TIME is it?!?!"

He laughed softly. "I'll answer those, then you answer mine. I'm up because Carly and I agreed to take shifts to stay up and watch you, so neither of us will get too tired. I'm lying (How is that spelled?) next to you because you got really cold and it didn't look like just Carly would work, but I'm warmer than Carly because I'm bigger. It's 11:00. P.M., you slept a while. Now my question. How you feeling?"

"Uh, terrible, stupid!" I stated obviously.

"Do you need the bucket again?"

"Bleh the Bucket." I corrected.

"I won't even ask. Tired?"



"Dude, seriously? I have two people shoved next to me yet I'm SHAKING."

"Well, okay. Dizzy?"

"The world won't freaking stop spinning."

"Let's hope it doesn't."

"SHUT UP! Not that way!"

He laughed.

"Well, you last took your medication at 8:00 P.M., so-"

"Is the P.M. necessary?"

"Shush. You need to take it every six hours, so you're about in the middle, I guess. You need another dose at two in the morning. Great, still my shift. You'll, of course, see reason, and swallow the pill without giving me grief."

I ignored his obvious sarcasm and shivered involuntarily. He wrapped his arms around me slowly and hesitantly, but I figured we're already really close right now, so who cares? Plus, he's warm. Shut up!

"Freddie, go to sleep," I said, ignoring his protests, "You're tired. I'll wake you up if I need anything."

He frowned. "Promise?"


"Okay. Sleep ON YOUR BACK, okay? I'm setting my alarm for every half hour so I can make sure."

"Freddie, how are you supposed to sleep if you wake up every thirty minutes?"

"Well then, every hour."


And we set off to sleep.

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