Deck the Halls with Santa's Capture

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December 25th, 12:01 am

"Ok everything is set up. Now all we gotta do is wait" Peter announces.

"Ugh the boring part" Clint groans.

"This was your idea" Bucky reminds.

"Doesn't make it less boring" Clint remarks.

"Can you all be quiet. We don't know when Santa's gonna shove his fat ass down the chimney" Sam exclaims.

"I bet it's gonna be at 3 am" Peter bets.

"No definitely at 3:33" Clint disagrees.

"2:40" Bucky bets.

"You guys are amateurs. It's definitely going to be at 2:57" Sam insists.


December 25th, 1:32

"Ow!" Clint rubs the back of his head after Bucky slapped him.

"You were falling asleep on the job" Bucky states.

"If we miss him this will be all your guys faults. Me and Ned put a lot of effort into this so don't screw this up" Peter reminds.


December 25th, 3:21


Peter and Bucky perks up. "He's here" Peter whispers.





Santa had just got out of the fireplace where he sets off the first trap.





The lights immediately gets turned on to reveal Santa in a makeshift net, dangling above the ground while the elf is duct taped against the wall.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Santa questions. "You know I give you free gifts right?" 

"Sorry Santa" Peter apologies.

"We have a ton of questions like why the hell did you let the spawn of Satan stay in our house?!" Clint questions.

"What?" Santa questions.

"You sent over one of your little elf friends and he's been torturing and threatening us this entire month!" Sam explains.

"I never sent an elf here" Santa denies.

"Yes you did. He's right over there" Bucky points to where the elf was duct taped to the wall just to see him gone.

"Where the hell did he go?!" Clint shouts.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?!" Sam wonders.

"No I never play pranks on innocents. I promise you I never sent an elf here. Why would I? You guys save the world" Santa explains.

"I have pictures of what the Elf's been doing" Peter shows Santa the pictures he took of the elf.

"That isn't my elf" Santa reveals.

"Then whose is it?" Bucky questions.

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" They jump as they hear a laugh in the distance just as the lights go out.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Clint, Peter, Bucky, and Sam screams.

You're a Creepy one, Elf on the ShelfDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora