Risen from the Dead

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December 7th

"Guys?!" Peter calls out from the living room.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Clint screams. 

"HOW?!" Sam questions.

"Does this demon have nine lives or some shit?!" Bucky questions. In the living room is the drenched elf with water puddles surrounding it. It also smashed the window as there are now glass shards on the floor and a bit of its hat is burnt.

"I think we need to do an exorcism" Clint jokes.

"I don't think we should piss it off anymore" Peter states.

"I agree. We're only making it angrier" Sam agrees.

"Pussies" Bucky coughs.

"Hey!" Sam smacks the back of Bucky's head.

"That was uncalled for!" Bucky claims.

"And calling us pussies isn't?!" Sam asks.

"Quit fighting. God you guys are like an old married couple" Nat announces her presence.

"Why do you always gotta spawn out of nowhere?!" Sam questions.

"It's one of my favorite hobbies minus training Satan to throw knifes and shoot guns" Nat smirks.

"I still can't believe you got her a tarantula last Christmas" Clint shudders.

"I can't either" Peter agrees.


December 8th

"He's gonna kill me" Clint states. He's standing next to Peter, Sam, and Bucky staring at the elf who wrapped a Clint and Bucky doll in Christmas lights and are dangling them upside down.

"No he's gonna kill both of us" Bucky corrects.

"No duh. You guys are technically the only ones who did something to piss him off" Peter states.

"The fact that he went and got doll versions of you shows his determination" Sam smirks.

"Not helping Wilson" Clint responds.

"What else do you want me to say? Go in witness protection I mean like seriously" Sam rolls his eyes.

"Not a bad idea though" Clint shrugs.

"That's a terrible idea" Peter denies. "No one will be protecting or seeing you so no one will know when the elf will come and kill you so you can be dead for weeks and no one will know."

"You really gotta stop hanging out with Romanoff" Bucky states.

"You're also the reason for my dark humor" Peter declares.

"No that's Stark" Bucky denies.

"Wow I think we're all bad influences on the baby spider" Clint realizes.

"I'm not a baby. You're the man child" Peter remarks.

"No I'm not!" Clint denies.

"Tell that to your wife" Peter retorts.

"I'll have you know that my wife loves me very much and I'm seeing my family on Christmas" Clint explains.

"Why not sooner? Did she kick you out?" Peter asks.

"No! I just got things to do in New York that I can't do at my house" Clint explains.

"Like what?" Peter questions.

"Missions. I go on one like every week" Clint answers.

"Yeah ok" Peter smirks.

"You're so annoying" Clint rolls his eyes.

You're a Creepy one, Elf on the ShelfWhere stories live. Discover now