Chapter 23 - Together

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Time flew by faster than I expected. As they say, when you are happy, you don't notice anything around you. I thought I had recently returned from my New Year's holiday trip, but as I looked at the calendar again, I discovered that we were already in the second month of the year.

Friday morning, which was the morning of the last working day of the week. While the sky outside the window was still dark, I stretched and got out of bed to get in the shower and get ready for work. I dressed more neatly than usual before locking the door and taking the elevator up to the apartment building's lobby. When I arrived, I saw the familiar tall guy playing on the phone to kill time while he waited to take me to work like any other day. That image made me smile slightly.

It might seem fast, but it had already been three months since King and I had decided to date like this. For the past three months, he had been incredibly stable. Before this, I had to admit that I didn't want to trust him that much. I had this thought planted in my head that flirtatious guys would never be able to easily stop at one person, but King was erasing that thought of mine because from the moment we started our relationship as friends with benefits until now, It had been over a year, and King had never approached anyone other than me. Whether it was because of my condition or other reasons, the fact that he had been standing still from that day until today could well support his words to a certain extent.

He could actually do as he said.

"Good morning Sir."

The tall guy stood up from the couch as he walked towards me with a nice pretentious smile. Well, I might have had some prejudices against him – he might not be consciously pretentious, but in my opinion he still seemed like that kind of guy. Even after ten years, he still seemed pretentious.

"No gel in your hair today?" I remarked when I noticed that the other person wore their hair loose on their forehead, not parted like every day.

"There wasn't enough time. I woke up late today. Nobody woke me up." He gave me an accusatory look as if he was trying to tell me that it was my fault that I hadn't given in to him and stayed in his apartment, so he'd woken up late.

I pretended to be naive and asked him curtly in response, "You're an adult now. Who do you need to wake you up?"

"I need my hubby to wake me up."

A long, thin finger gently touched my cheek in surprise. I felt as if there were slight electrical currents coming from that feather-light touch, and so the heat spread all over my face.

"Hurry up. Traffic will be heavy." I quickly changed the subject before I could unconsciously show strange facial expressions. However, the person next to me seemed to know how I felt as he laughed lightly and held my hand.

"I like it when you blush because of me."

"You come? Otherwise I'll drive the car." I frowned, but King smiled cheerfully and led me hand in hand to his car which had been parked in front of the building before I could change my mind.


"Hey, what do you want to have for dinner today?" King asked as the vehicle stopped at the light.

While playing on my phone, I glanced at the top of the screen which displayed the date and time, indicating that today was February 14th.

Saint Valentine.

"Don't you have to work overtime today? Programmers have a lot of work right now, right?"

"No, on a day like this, no one works overtime. I'd better let my subordinates celebrate with their loved ones." The owner of the car looked at me for a while before turning back to face him and saying nonspecifically, "Come to think of it, I'm sad. Everyone else has their significant other partners. Only I don't have one."

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