Another Scientist?

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"So~ What's your name? How old are you?" Beomgyu asked the cat.

The cat only replied with more hissing, making Beomgyu pout and turn the other way, feeling rejected.

"I'm here!" The doors to the practice room opened widely. Soobin entered before closing it right after.

"Look." Taehyun said, lifting the cat up by the under arms to show Soobin.

"Hmm.." he stared at the cat who was staring back at him intensely. Beomgyu huffed, sitting on the floor to watch this scene go down.

"This cat seems to be aware of it's surroundings.." Soobin mumbles.

Taehyun nods in understanding. "I could tell. It also definitely understands us and everything we're saying and doing."

Yeonjun soon entered, with Huening Kai trailing behind him. "We're here. How's it going?" Yeonjun asked, taking a seat on the ground next to Beomgyu.

"The cat's intelligent, that's for certain." Beomgyu states. "So ask it questions, Hyunie!"

"Okay, Beomie." Taehyun turned the cat around to face him. "We have questions we'd like to ask, is that alright?"

He stared at the cat, the cat staring back. Just as he was going to speak again, the cat spoke up. "What do you need to know?"

Huening Kai gasped. "It can talk!" He whispered over to Yeonjun, who he was seated next to on the floor.

Taehyun chuckles adoringly at Hueningkai. He began his first round of questions. "First, what is your name?"

"I don't have one."

"Mm.. okay. Where did you come from?"

"Someplace where my master is."

"And who's your master?"

"He's called the scientist, his name is uncertain, but we all think it's Gerald."

"The scientist..?" Taehyun looked over at Beomgyu. The other nods.

Beomgyu began his round of questions. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't." The cat stared into his eyes.

"Then why do you keep hissing and scratching at me..?"

"To keep you away from me."

"Then why were you chasing me earlier?"

"I was here to warn everyone."

"About what?" It became a staring contest between the cat and Beomgyu. After a good minute of staring, Beomgyu blinked.

And so, the cat began to talk. "The scientist, he made me. He made all of your female parents. His goal is to destroy all that he's created, and well, he succeeded with your parents."

"Wow, so he's the one who killed my parents?? He caused that car accident?" Beomgyu frowned.

The cat nods. "There were spikes he planted that flipped your car, killing both of your parents while keeping you and your brother alive."

"I thought my mom died of natural causes??" Taehyun questions.

"Nah, the scientist poisoned your mom in the hospital bed right after your birth. The doctors never found out."

"That's crazy.. I could've had a parent.."

"You do though, your step family." Beomgyu states.

"Wait, manager-nim didn't create them??" Soobin asked from behind.

"Soobs, ya need to listen! He only said he was experimenting on us. Never once said anything about creating." Yeonjun smacked the back of his head.

"Jeez, no need to slap me.." Soobin huffed.

Hueningkai chuckles. "Wait, can I ask a question?"

"Sure." The cat said, hopping off of Taehyun's hands and walking to Kai. "What is it?"

"How come the scientist is after us? He didn't create us."

"That's true. He didn't, but he wants the power stored in each of you all to himself. He wanted to take it away before any of you unlocked your powers or even realized you had them. Seems it is too late for that, but he doesn't know that."

"Hm.. interesting.." Yeonjun thinks for a bit. "Now that I think about it, I remember when I was still in high school, there was a lock down cause of a break in. I fought back when they got too close and someone mentioned a scientist. That sucker got arrested after I knocked him out with a gym mat!"

"You too??" Soobin's eyes widened. "I had that same problem at my high school. I basically- err- accidentally caused him to fall from a 3 story window.. but he survived and got arrested!"

"Wait- you guys also had that happen? I was in middle school and this man almost got me! But I screamed so loud his eardrums burst! He got arrested after being treated in the hospital. I heard he became deaf.. eheh.." Hueningkai said.

"Taehyun.. I remember this happening! We were in cooking class together, remember?" Beomgyu said.

"For real! They called us the chosen ones, right after we threw dough at them!" Taehyun gasped.

They all looked at one another in silence.

Beomgyu then gasped. "OHHHH, WE WERE THE CHOSEN ONES!!"

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