Window 2

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"Beomgyu! Your ramen is ready." Yeonjun shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming!" Beomgyu ran out from his room, taking a seat at the table. "Thank you for making this for me, Hyung."

"Mhm. That's because I'm the best Hyung~" Yeonjun pats his shoulder.

"Sure~" Beomgyu laughs.

Taehyun came out of nowhere and took a seat next to Beomgyu. "Sup, baby." He greets.

Beomgyu turned to face him. "Pfft- Hyun- why are you wearing those glasses??" He asked, giggling a little.

"What? You mean my brand new shades? I look cool, don't I?" Taehyun smirks, holding his sunglasses down.

"Very cool. But we are indoors!"

"Yup, that's the cool life."

"Not cool enough." Yeonjun said, taking Taehyun's glasses then walking back to the sink to finish dishes.

"Hey! My shades!" The youngest huffs, pouting. He sighed and just turned to Beomgyu. "Finish your noodles, they're getting soggy."

"Okay! Wanna share?"

"Of course."

Beomgyu scooped up his chopsticks with some noodles and put it on the soup spoon, bringing the spoon towards Taehyun's mouth. "Open up~ Ahh!"

"Ahh! Nom~"



Beomgyu smiles and happily takes a bite of his noodles as well.

As they continued eating the ramen together, Soobin and Hueningkai just finished their fighting game.

"Guys! I won!" Hueningkai cheers, happily skipping to the kitchen and joining them at the table.

"That's because you cheated and threw my controller across the room!" Soobin huffed, also sitting with the others.

"You're just a sore loser! Hah!"

"Kai!!" Soobin and Hueningkai suddenly were in a staring contest.

Beomgyu stared at them doing the staring contest. Taehyun was looking between Beomgyu, Soobin, and Hueningkai. "Yah, snap out of it, guys." He said, waving his hands in front of everyone's face.

"Hey! Now how are we supposed to know who won??" Hueningkai pouts, looking over in Taehyun's direction.

"Actually! Huening, you won. Soobin blinked before you." Beomgyu said. "I was referee, I looked at it veryyy closely.

Soobin raised a brow. "You sure this isn't favoritism?"

"Mhm! I'm actually a veryy good sport. I don't cheat!"

"Yeaaah, no. That's a big lie." Yeonjun chuckles, ruffling Beomgyu's hair from behind.

"My hair.." Beomgyu mumbles with a pout.

"Haha, he's true though. You gotta admit, you're so sneaky during games!" Taehyun boops Beomgyu's nose.

"Hehe, okay I'll admit it. Only because you said it though!"

"You too, Kai!" Taehyun pinched his cheek.

"Oww! Fine! Me too! I cheat.. a lot.." Huening frowns, rubbing his pained cheek.

"Aw wait, when did we finish our ramen? Oh well." Beomgyu shrugged to himself.

"In that case, may I see how far you've gotten in your window project?" Taehyun asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering what all that banging was coming from." Soobin states, looking off to Beomgyu's closed door.

"It's been quite a day. You've spent all your time on that window instead of resting like the rest of us. Well- besides your muscle gaining obsessed boyfriend." Yeonjun said, patting Taehyun's head.

"So whaaat? I can love a little muscle, can't I? It makes me more confident in myself."

"Hyunie~ you're perfect with or without muscle! Even though they're hella scrumptious." Beomgyu held Taehyun's bicep.

"I know you love them. It's why I'd like to keep in shape, just for you~"

"And for yourself too. I know how much you like to show off your muscles, Tyunie." Hueningkai says with a chuckle.

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "It's my goal to be like Jungkook Hyung."

"I think you surpassed him. I dunno, I like your muscles better." Beomgyu states.

"I think you don't need anymore.." Soobin says. "If you get more.. I don't know how we'll be able to handle your punches.."

"My punches?? Let's talk about yours, you big bunny!" Taehyun huffs.

Soobin gasps in offended. "Big bunny??!"

"Wait! Beomgyu, weren't you gonna show us your window?"

"Ohhh yeah! Right! Come, come, this way!" Beomgyu got off his seat and made his way to his room.

Taehyun and the other's followed behind, age order youngest to oldest.

"Welcome to our new window hangout sanctuary!" Beomgyu opened the window wide for them to go through.

"Welcome to our new window hangout sanctuary!" Beomgyu opened the window wide for them to go through

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"Woah- you did all this in one day??" Kai asked in amazement.

"Mhm! I could add some more, but I dunno what. Save it for future me to figure out." Beomgyu hums.

"Where did you get those lights??" Yeonjun asked.

"I gave them to him." Taehyun said. "It's why I went out today, besides working out."

"Are those our pillow sheets??" Soobin questions.

"Yes- but that's because it's for you guys!"

"Beomgyu, what about the fluffy white blanket? It's gonna get all dirty!" Yeonjun exclaims.

"If it does I'll just wash it!"

"Ooh! We should put some video games or something up here!" Hueningkai suggests.

"Oooo, or a cookout! Have some bbq up here." Taehyun also suggests.

"Great ideas! Just! How do we fit all that through my window?" Beomgyu asks.

"It's really simple, Gyu. Just put it through your window." Soobin states.

"Yes.. anyways I was thinking we also have a mini campfire up here as well. I've got one in my room!"

"We could do s'mores? That'd be nice." Yeonjun adds.

"Let's write it all down, I'll buy things for us later." Taehyun says, going back inside to grab some paper and a pencil.

"This is beautiful, by the way." Hueningkai smiles. "Such a vibe."

"That was what I was going for." Beomgyu smiles back. "Anyways, let's go help Taehyun with the list!"

"Already on it! I say we add a mini fridge, full of drinks and fruit, some chips or snacks we can have, gummies of course we can't forget gummies! Oh and some.." Yeonjun continued to list a ton of things.

Soobin and Hueningkai named a ton of things as well, while Taehyun jots every thing they listed.

Beomgyu smiled, watching how his members were so happy and excited about this new spot he has made.

And it made him happy that they enjoyed it.

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