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Author pov.

Agony? What's that? It's just a part of life. Moments which we all want to avoid as we can...

But Wangji's life has always experienced this since when he got married to Wuxian...

The marriage he wanted to cherish, now become a curse for him, a misery.

8000 whips is not a joke. Each & every whip is so painful. Wangji is bathing in the blood of his own... For one second, Wuxian felt pity, but he didn't stop that. Wuxian wants Wangji to realise his mistake. But is it right to push Wangji's condition near death?

Finally, his punishment of getting 8000 whips was completed and Wangji landed on the floor, half dead. Maybe it is Wangji's punishment for loving someone as cruel as Wuxian.🤧

(Aishhh!!!my poor bunny heart can't take the pain😭)


He doesn't know who is calling him, he is losing consciousness. His white cloth was painted into red colour. So much blood. They punish an innocent Person because of his ego got insulted. The reason is not valid to push someone's condition near death.

Is it alright to punish that much they are verge of death?



Wangji pov.

Ah! My head! It is so heavy. I barely opened my eyes, I then heard a yell. Who's that dude? Where am I?

"Are you ok, Wangji?"

This voice is familiar. I saw Lusi in front of me... Maybe She pities me because of my condition.

I notice that my whole body is wrapped in a bandage. Aish, this pain is too hard to bear.

"Wangji, Sit slowly. Do you want some water?"

I nodded as she offered me some water. But before I can drink the water. The cup of water was harshly thrown by someone.

"Did you forget your punishment? Should I repeat them for you?" Ask the person whom I hate now so much or maybe love too?

First, the pain is too much to handle now this situation. And second, I don't want to beg in front of this cruel person. I didn't utter anything.

"Yiling Patriarch, please let Wangji drink some water. His body is so weak. He needs rest." Lusi pleased.

"Did you forget that punishment or rules can't be changed for someone? And it's his karma for insulting me."

Is this person made of stone? Why do I fall for this person? He was my Wei ge before but now he is just a cruel person... Is this my karma for forcing my parents? Am I at fault for my situation???

"Wei Ying, Don't you think that you are being too harsh on a weak person? He needs rest. " Wen Qing uttered as she entered inside.

For the first time, I saw Wen Qing take a stand for me. I thought she enjoyed my situation with her husband. But I was wrong, she took a step for me.

"Wei Qing, wrong-doer should get his punishment."

"Wuxian, How can you forget the humanity? Don't you always think about people? Is your ego too high that you can't see his suffering? 8000 whips was not a joke. You can see what it is. He completes his punishment later. Right now, he needs rest.
Someone's life is more important than punishment. And I, Wei Qing ordereded that until he recovered, he will not do any work. And only do rest." Qing utters furiously.

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