White Wings Angel

Start from the beginning

<<Manual EMP countermeasure activated.Fairchild calling Mobius and Trigger,I have detected a strong electronic attack around the city of Seoul.The source of the attack is 35km away from our aircraft>>

<<Fairchild,how is ADFX-04?>>-Trigger asked when he trying to get a view of the outside.Blank screen,not a good sign to be seen especially on a COFFIN aircraft like ADFX-04,but he is not an engineer to fix it either:

<<Verifying the system operation,the flight ceiling has dropped by 600 meters,cruising at Mach 1.9.Damage at 58%,2 out of 4 weapon system has been malfunction.The Anti-EMP system are currently working>>

<<James,are you okay?>>

<<Yeah I'm fine.Aside from a few bruises,but those aren't that hurtful.Yourself?>>


Mobius is sweating,her right eye' vision disappeared,not exactly disappeared,but replaced by a reddish dark color.Needless to say that was blood,must be from the impact of her head with the glass-made part of the helmet,adrenaline has keep her from the pain,but it cannot stop the blood from being drained out from her body on a concerning level.Trigger haven't realized this yet,his eyes are focusing on reestablish the camera connection:

<<Camera No.3 and Camera No.5 have been reactivated,good good>>

<<Mobius calling Fairchild>>-The pilot decided to hide her wound from her WSO-<<Connect to Incheon Control Tower,verify the situation>>

<<Impossible,all electronic communication was shut down in the city.I am currently trying to communicate by Morse code.Please wait>>

Mobius turns her remaining eye to the screen between her thighs,Fairchild was right,not just electronic communication,but there is not a single light in the city could be seen,even in such darkness.That would be odd,the last time they were here the morning would be much brightful,way more brightful to be correct.Or maybe they just turn them off because the sun is going to rise soon.However...

<<That F-15 is....>>


An Eagle has crashed into the street full of houses and civilian and exploded,Trigger could not tell whether there is a pilot inside that aircraft or not,whatever the case is,multiple were killed.But the disaster wasn't stop there,a Phantom is preparing for a final landing:


A series of explosions caused by plane crashes has shaken the city of Seoul,from the lower tech F-4E,to the advanced F-35A,one by one falling from the sky and ramming into whatever standing on their flight paths,before their fuel and carrying weapon detonated the aircraft into a thousand pieces.

A horrible sight to be witness,it just like watching an apocalypse movie,Mobius thought,but in front of her right eyes are real people,real people are dying right in front of her eye,and the disaster haven't ended:

<<Fourteen explosions....>>-Mobius said,after counting all of the smoke trails came from the burning ground zeroes.To make the situation far worse,flame began to spread out all over the city,carried by the burning fuel droplets from the external fuel tanks and the hot wind to all over Seoul,igniting new fires from across the streets.Firemen are trying their best to put out the fire,but all the effort wasn't enough,the flame still spreading,from house to house,street to street.If there is a street that haven't been caught by the fire,that would be a miracle:

"Why?Why isn't the firetruck working?!"

"Anybody there?Hello!?Is anybody here in this house?"

<<Holy hell....>>

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