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jino went home. she didn't want to talk with tam. she just waited for her to share details about the situation, but tam didn't.

a couple of hours passed by. "tam, we need to talk," jino said with a serious tone. "what... you're scaring me," tam said and laughed.

"are you seeing someone? be honest with me," jino asked. tam's eyes raised, but she didn't answer.

"you can't deny it, I saw him kissing you," jino said. "you saw what? look... I wanted to tell you, but I was scared that you might laugh at me or I don't know... I am so sorry."

"why would i laugh at you? it's okay, just tell me about everything..." tam nodded and sat. "i met him at my campus, he is smart, that's why he helped me with some stuff. we met each other every day, and suddenly we became even closer... and now we ended up like this."

"what is his name? and why did you tell him to stop using you?" jino asked."he just confused me. I showed him that I really love him, but he somehow didn't respond... and I just thought he is playing with me," she just laughed. "oh, and his name is park eungyeol."

"park eungyeol?" jino asked, shocked. "yes, do you know him?" tam asked curiously. "no..." jino lied. "then i am going to introduce him to you someday," she smiled, and jino just looked down. "you don't have to."

months have passed by, jino and yichan are close friends now and meet each other every day to study together. it's like a daily routine.

"where are you, yichan?" she asked him on the phone, "i am almost there."

today they're going to eat and drink together. as friends.

he can't drink a lot, so he just took half a glass of soju. he's not drunk but also not completely sober. jino, on the other hand, finished her 3rd glass of soju.

"jin jin jin, slow down... you're going to die,"  he said and pulled the bottle from her hand.

"give it back, i neeeed to die," she was completely drunk, trying to get the bottle back.she couldn't reach it, simply because yichan was taller than her.  he looked at her trying to get the bottle back and admired her.

"why are you doing this to me too..." she sat down and put her hands on her face

"did something happen? you drank a lot." he asked.

"i went on so many blind dates... but none of my dates were the perfect match for me," she said and cried. "men just don't like me, whyyyy."

he took a deep breath and looked down "what about me?"

"what?" she said and continued to cry

"am i not a man?" he came closer to her. she stopped crying and instead raised her eyes.

"what are you saying" she giggled "of course you're a man."

he still looked at her with a serious expression, "why are you looking at me like that" she tried to look somewhere else.

"stop this jino. i am serious" he looked at her lips, "why can't you just choose me?" his eyes looked at her eyes again. "i am a man too and im the perfect match for you."

she didn't say anything, she got hiccups.

he placed his hand on her cheek, tilted his head slightly, and began to lean in, kissing her softly and tenderly. he waited for her response, and she kissed him back.

the kiss lasted long. when she pulled him away, he was looking at her, noticing that she was nervous.

"i... i have to go now," she said and grabbed her bag. he just stood there. Then he grabbed her by her arm, "let me bring you home."

"no, its okay i can do it..." she said and tried to go out.

"i said i'll bring you home. do you know how dangerous it is to walk alone at night while being drunk?" his tone was serious again.

she didn't say anything, just looked at him, confused. why is he suddenly acting like this? she thought.

they were walking together in silence. no one said anything.

"tell me something about yourself," she asked him and pouted. he looked surprised, "what should I tell you? just ask me." he smiled.

"hmmmm... where did you grow up?" she asked.

"daegu" he answerd.

"WHAT ME TOO" she raised her voice, laughed and clapped.

he giggled, "are you always like this?" he asked and looked at the sky.

she scoffed and laughed.

"why did your parents decide to move to seoul?" he asked her curiously

her smile dropped, "no," her tone changed quickly, "when my parents passed away, i moved to seoul alone because i couldn't handle all those memories. it hurt a lot, i thought moving to seoul would make me happier." a tear dropped from her cheek.

his expression changed, he put his arm around her waist, "are you happier now?" he asked, trying to comfort her. she wiped her tear and laughed, "just a little."

they arrived, "thank you, yichan," she smiled at him. "go inside!" he told her and waved at her.

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